


Year 3500

March 4th, Monday

Bargon city, Lower Lands.



"Oh my World, I am so late..... I am so going to eat Oatmeal this month, it's no curse." I couldn't help but admit fault with a tightened hold on my suitcase in fear and anxiety as I sat impatiently in a Maglev commuting train with my feet tapping loudly on the footplate.

My name is Jenkins... Jenkins Curtis. I'm a young adult-of age 23, and right now I'm on my way to an interview. I recently got a shot at a top Technology Company and well, coincidentally I slept off 'dreaming' of me being granted the same job. Isn't it funny how hilarious fate could be?

I mean, my 'Alarm', which is typically a part-function of a Home AI device that had never for once missed a minute on the clock was broken, today, of all days? Surely, this must be it, the age that life puts one in disappointment and sorrowful youth; where you eat oatmeal at breakfast and Beans for dinner, definitely no lunch.

I'm, only recently, a Two Star-Honored Alum in Space Technology. A dream profession since I've been a 4 year old, looking into the sky through the windows of the walls of Cate's at leisure. Wondering what was up there beyond the skies, what those shiny little dots and the big flabby balls in the sky were?

 I'd ask the nannies in the orphanage and I clearly remember how Ms. Lee had told me about the Universe. Her knowledge on space was basic but back then, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard. The planets, the Moon, the Stars and the Sun. Of course, there were doubts and when I had asked her, she told me about Astronauts who explore the Space in discovery. From then on, I had reached a conclusion, a resolve and I was determined to see it all for myself. I would brag about it and they would all say

"Jenkins, you surely have a dream bigger than the World." Only now do I know the meaning of those words.

At age 7, I was adopted from the orphanage by the late Sir and Madam, Rowe and Roselle Curtis respectively. Moments in the orphanage were pleasant and life in the Curtis' family mansion was more than blissful. Oh, Mother, she was so kind and such a beautiful woman with compassion and genuine love for me. She always treated me with utmost care as if I was the only child in the world. Father, on the other hand was always away, he was a successful businessman with lots and lots of riches and fame. Although, less can't be said that he was a good father on his own terms but, apparently, the only thing he loved more than money was Madam Roselle. He would cherish her like an egg every second of the day and would do anything for her. It wasn't that the two were not able to produce a child on their own, in fact, they had two successful children who had actually made their name known in the world.

Sir Rowe Curtis was a busy man and Madam Roselle was a slightly aged woman of age 53, who resented loneliness and thus requested for a 'little brat', consequently me, to keep the house going and rumbling while he was away with business so as to keep her company. It was in the Mansion that I got to learn and got proper education. I would delve into the world of books and novels to read about space till I slept off with the lights on. Mother would come tuck me in with a lovely smile that I always appreciated in a daze as I fall into deep slumber, I would never forget how beautiful those smiles were....

The brat grew into a 14 year old soon enough, home alone while my adopted parents went on a summer vacation. I was watching a TV show, Space discography precisely on June 24th year 3491, when suddenly, siblings that I have never met for once in my life came visiting. Both dressed in black, precisely the moment my life turned south.

          Kingsley Curtis, a slightly built man with sharp facial features that he definitely inherited from his old man and Elizabeth Curtis, a total contrast of lovely mother but with a superior beauty and elegance both announced the death of our parents, with remorse written all over their faces, to me: It was a  plane crash. I felt pained and at the same time lost, for I knew my days in the family were numbered. Soon enough after the burial, my thoughts became realized as the Mansion was sold, leaving me stranded and with nowhere to go.

I knew I was just a possession, not a child of the family. Even if they had considered me a legitimate child, I was not their child by blood and I knew I was in no position that entitled a property. Expectantly, neither of my presumed siblings admitted to cater nor take responsibilities of me, so I knew I was on my own, again. I wouldn't have known what to do nor where to go if it wasn't for Mother, who had always loved me to the extent that she had registered an Emergency funds account in my name with all the details in my possession. She' had said it was the only gift she could give to me for what I've done for her, which I could never fathom till today, because, reverse was absolutely the case. She not only filled-in the Mother figure that I lacked since birth, she also gave me family warmth, love and finally, this, a future. I could never thank her enough even for thousands of years to come, her memory would forever be etched all over my entire existence.

I enrolled at Stargaze University of Space Science and Technology (SUSSAT), a renowned college specialized In Astronomy, Space Science and Technology, after going through high-school humiliation and bullying saga. I lived in the dorm with a really weird four-eyed roommate whose only word to me was;

"Don't touch my stuffs!" that was it, afterwards we never spoke for four good years.

I graduated months ago and eventually moved into a Zero-Star Motel, if anyone would ever have to rate them. Well, the poor have no choice, I couldn't go about spending my Emergency funds recklessly, I'm still 23, and I still have a big dream way bigger than what's in my pocket, or bank account in this case.

Story of my life, sucks to be me for a second in.

"Attention, the train number 227 has arrived at highland, platform number 6 on time."  Even though I had just arrived at my destination, it's no exaggerating that my journey had just begun.