

When doom comes knocking on your door, you should only hope it didn't come delivering. Destruction and annihilation, what makes these words scary? Is it the cause or the effect? Surely, must be the fear of being .....'Destroyed'? 

Whatever the reason, I could only watch till my eyes almost popped out at the scene of the world ending, bridges would collapse without bomb explosions, buildings would tear down and the ground only sinks into nothingness, crumbling into vanity. Kids were being pushed away by their parents, what were lovers? Friends? Siblings...those words were mere illusion that cleared away in the face of mortal fright.

The heroes and brave ones were those who accepted everything with a smile on their faces as if it was a work of art, a 'masterpiece'. They looked calm on the surface but deep down, they feel fear....fear for the excruciating pain that awaits them at death... anxiety for what happens next after death.... and helplessness, more than naught. Resistance was pointless, there was no escape.

I tried so much to imitate with a thousand weight on my shoulders as typical 'humans' were running past me but.....I felt the air around me was slow, was I even moving? Nevertheless, I would run in the air soon, relieved at the miracle and salvation. I was flying? No.....I was..... Falling and all I could do was fling my hands in an attempt to fly, or at least, grasp something..... Somebody help! Mom, Mr. Sri, anyone. I could only scream as I fell deep into the dark abyss, knowing not what awaits me, I did know what awaits deep beneath, it certainly is death.


"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!" I screamed as I sprung up the bed, sweating heavily as I sat up with my pajamas soaked in sweat as if I was dipped in water.

"Extreme fear detected in the vital rate! Force- initiating Emergency security protocol!!!"


I gave no concern to the monotonous voice resounding in the room as my mind was in turmoil as I panicked. I couldn't even recognize that I was in my room as I looked about as if I was in an Afterlife.


After several minutes, I calmed down as I realized what had happened. The scene looked so vivid that it felt real, clearly, I must have given too much thought about the burden I was carrying.

"Scan complete... no threat found."

"Heart beat rate stabilized... Vitality not threatened...Emergency security protocol Terminated."

The voice resounded again and ended with a beep. I stood up and went to the Water-dispenser to take a drink.

"What the heck was that?" I muttered as I made my way back to the bed. Taking a look at the Digital Time projection on the wall;

'2:13 AM..... 2:12 AM.....2:13 AM'

It was only past two in the morning. I slipped into the bed trying my hardest to invite the night fairy rumored to come with the dust that sends one aboard the ship of slumber as I closed my eyes earnestly. However, a glimpse of the destructive scene earlier only kept me awake until I lost consciousness without me even trying.




"Welcome to Nancy's, what are your orders?"

This time, a blonde thin teenager came to take my orders at the cafeteria where Dan and I had 'met' few days ago. Yes, their services were just that good and only that matters and I wouldn't discriminate just because they allowed 'that'. I ordered an Espresso and I continued to think of what to tell Dan, with a feeling of hesitation, although, not as strong as my fear and need to confide in someone.

Several minutes later, the waiter was on his way with my Espresso when I saw a familiar figure standing at the door to the Cafe. I waved at him to signal where I was seeing him scanning the room and as our gazes met, he smiled and made his way towards my table.

"Thank you" I said to the waiter and took a sip as he went on to take Dan's orders

"Same as him." Dan said to the waiter and he left with a nod.

"So you said you wanted to tell me something important?" He asked, seemingly worried, which left me surprised.

 I had called him last night and asked to meet with him urgently. He suggested to talk over the table at The Nancy's.

 "The regular place" he had said.


What was there to give too much thought about? Although, it had been a while and people do change, I still believe that as long as I was still my clumsy and careless self, Dan would always have that frank and straightforward personality that he had subconsciously showed me back then at high school. If he wouldn't believe me, he'd just say so taking it as a joke and move on. So what was there to be so cautious about?

"Have you heard the news about the 'reduction of oxygen in the world?" I put down the cup of Espresso and said with a serious expression on my face, looking straight into his eyes trying not to miss a slight detail of his reaction. He looked back at me seriously, though in confusion and a playful glint in his eyes.

"Well, this better not be some old-fashioned talk about news but...yes, I heard.....What about it?

Seeing that he still had the playful tone as he spoke, he must have relaxed as he heard that the urgent matter was about the news and not so alarming. I realized that mere words were not enough, so I turned things up a notch

"What are your thoughts on Time travel?"

He looked at me with his eyes narrowed upon hearing my words. No doubt, it was a straightforward question, but it didn't take no genius to connect the dots.

I had used the same tactics my future-self had used on me as that was the only thing that crossed my mind. At the thought of this, a plan formed in my mind and I couldn't help but smile bitterly as the solution was right in front of me all these while, but.... I brushed it aside for now, later to be deliberated.

"What do you mean?!" his tone slightly alarmed as he asked in disbelief, hoping that I'd abnegate his doubts but my words became only cruel and crueler.

"December 31st, the world will End" his face only became uglier as I slowly utter each word, he leaned closely as he grasped the table making it shake and tremble, almost spilling the espresso on the table. He looked at me in utmost disbelief

"what!!!?" his tone was high-pitched this time and everyone looked at us strangely, me especially, giving me a somewhat 'so heartless' look.

Seriously, what is wrong with the people in this place?

"Ahem!!!?.... Here's your order." The waiter who had clearly read the mood beforehand announced before leaving hurriedly.

Several minutes later, Dan was still looking at the espresso as he was lost in his thoughts, his whole demeanor exuding a grumpy and sad aura. He was shocked over the time as I recounted my encounter to him and he could only open his mouth and eyes in shock momentarily. I wonder if I had looked as ugly as this with my future-self back then.

I drank my espresso in silence as I gave him time to comprehend and think about the matter. Surprisingly, it wasn't even over 30 minutes when he finally looked up and said in a really low and haughty lifeless voice.

"Wh.....Who could have done it?"

A simple question that should only have a simple answer. However, it was hard to tell.

'Could it have been natural...or could there have been someone behind this?'