

"Roberta, I'm heading out" I needed to get a Vector device. You might want to ask why I didn't ask Roberta to make an order as that would be more ideal considering the era I live in. However, purchasing a Vector device requires physical Identity verification plus miscellaneous processes. You might also be wondering why I had told Roberta that I was heading out as she was a home AI device that had a sensory radar, Well... old habits. As they say, modern problems require modern solution, more or less for a desperate bachelor like myself.

I boarded a train from Bargon city and it took only half of an hour to reach the closest Highlands city- Gevora. The city lies within the previous Europe continent which is now only part of the Highlands. My destination was the best technology company in the whole World;

"Cloud wares" the branch company in Gevora specifically.


I rented a Flobile since the company was quite far away from the train station.  It wasn't an easy task to find a vacant Flobile since everyone would order a ride on their respective devices and as I had no way around that, I had to wait for several minutes before I could get one.


"Cloud wares company, Tenittad district"

The flyer was an old stout man with features of a mean dwarf.  He looked at me wearily before stretching out his right hand that held a round alloy device with a spherical shaped ball in the middle, it was a Quantum device. I nodded and held out my card right over it.

*cling* *cling*

The sound of coins dropping on another confirmed that I had just transferred the fares into his device. He nodded and took back his device before taking off towards our destination. Renting a Flobile from five hundred to a thousand kilometers distance costs only five thousand credit notes, so I had no need to check my balance. There were Air routes and there were regulations that had been publicly pronounced and promulgated, which flyers couldn't violate; otherwise they shall be penalized.

Looking down from the spherical vehicle strong enough to withstand the wind force,with only two seats- one in the front and the other in the back, meant for  the flyer and the commuter respectively. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the beauty below. The residential buildings with few Victorian house styles and few mansions were all separately identical, leaving the skyscraper structured companies and hotels standing out as a spot decor.  Some buildings were round and spherical while some were rectangular in build, but it was all designed in a way that one could tell that they were similar and belonged together. The whole city was lit up with each building's mesmerizing spot decors including that of the streets, which made the city exotic as the sun sets. The view was beautiful beyond words.

I told the flyer to pick up the speed as I have had enough of the sightseeing. He turned off the subtle music and paced off in terrifying speed, and I could only see the city in a blur. We arrived at the destination a little over twenty minutes later and I dropped off unto the parking spot.

I walked along the pavement and stepped into the complex with steady steps. An invisible force field restricted my movements as I was scanned. It was a security system installed at almost every building's entrance in the High-lands;


The sound indicated that I held no threat so I moved further into the building where people walked about with several Android guides accompanying them through their candid businesses. The Artificial Hi-tech interior design caught my attention for a while as it looked quite sleek.

"Hello, I'm Toby, your AI guide to assist you with information and see through your business here." A flat voice resounded beside me and I averted my gaze from the grandeur scene before me. A male Android stood with a friendly smile worn over its good-looking face. I had never been here before, so I was quite stunned at how things worked here. The owner seems to not want a single loss of a chance at customers patronage, thus, indulging in the utilization of friendly-programmed Androids that would seize all chances without fail as human attendants could be distracted by their emotions at times to put up with customers' charade.

"Hi, I'm Jenkins, I'm here to get a Vector device, and I'll be in your care if you may?" I stated in a friendly manner in response.

"Nice to meet you sir, allow me to complement your good looks. Right, to the Vector devices' section shall we?"

"Yes, please" I have to admit that his sweet talks were of effect as I suddenly felt amused, even though I knew it was programmed to speak that way. Sufficiently explains why the company was this successful.

However, as we strode towards the conveyor to the vector device section which was by the way, an entire floor in the building itself ; I heard another AI guide using the same flattery line that Toby had said to me from our previous conversation and the corners of my eyebrow twitched uncontrollably. I couldn't help but want to execute the famous wrestling 'power bomb' move on him.

"After you Sir Jenkins" he said with a smile as we had reached the conveyor.

"Thank you" I replied with a fake gentle smile and stepped into the transparent glassy ball with a flat bottom plate. Toby ensued behind, with a smile still he informed;

"Although it is still in its processing stages, the new vector device, 'Oximus G4'- model OX72, is our latest invention and pride" this would mark the beginning of his advertisement and marketing service that I had long anticipated from the beginning.

He would go on about the 'new' features the previous device he mentioned contained and he would suggest available alternatives in between.

"Really?" or "wow" were the occasional responses I gave at intervals. However, deep inside, I already made up my mind on what kind of device I wanted, It had to be the 'Geniex 20S' and no other; no one could change my min~

"I recommend the Primax 4, it's the best budget Vector device with complete features that could beat most vector devices out there"

"You don't say, tell me more about this Primax 4?" thinking about it, it is irrational to spend so much on Geniex 20s when there is a better device, and it is sold at a low budget price as well- miserly!!


"We gladly appreciate your patronage sir Jenkins, our 'doors' will always be wide open for you anytime" Toby walked me out the entrance and turned back to attend to another customer.

I stood staring at the translucent bracelet on my wrist and then shifted my gaze to the black colored rectangular card in my hand with a bitter smile on my face. I had met a good match and in the end, lost to him, I felt as if I had been cheated, however, only my greed and money grubbing weakness had been exploited. I had really underestimated Toby's merchandise skills, but, I should have expected it since he was programmed.

My emergency funds account had been crippled and I could only put my entire survival hope on the Spax Corp Inc.'s salary. At this rate, I might die of hunger long before the organization blows my head into matters.

I retired to my home in exasperation, with a vector and quantum device that I did not initially plan to buy.