Finally a Weapon

Chapter 18: Finally a Weapon

William said a quick goodbye to the professor when it was time to leave. He left the university campus at a leisurely pace. It was already dark, and his shift to stand guard at Chanis Gate would start in an hour.

The people who saw him pass looked at him with a certain instinctive reverence, and some passers-by moved aside so as not to disturb him. He, however, just looked at them with a slight smile and nodded at them so they wouldn't worry.

He felt that the potion was very close to being completely digested, perhaps in a couple more weeks, he would have to start gathering the ingredients to reach Sequence 8.

'Speaking of ingredients, do you remember the formula for Sequence 8, Debris?' With his level of digestion, Debris had started to remember more things. An example of this was the clairvoyance he used against the clown.

The answer was not long in coming.

"Actually, yes." William was not much surprised. "Although I still can't remember what Sequence 8 is called, I can tell that the potion formula consists of 20 milligrams of werewolf hair and a murloc gill."

William rubbed his chin. These were already Beyonder ingredients, unlike the ones he had needed for Sequence 9.

'Werewolves exist in this world. I wonder if there are dragons.' In his ramblings, he had arrived at the Church of the Evernight Goddess. 'Yes, they almost certainly exist here. Although perhaps they are almost extinct like the rest of the mythological races.'

When he arrived at Chanis Gate, Leonard and Kenley greeted him cheerfully.

"Oh, William, the Captain asked me to tell you to go see him before you start your shift," Kenley commented to him. "Don't worry, we have to stay here all night anyway, so we'll wait for you while playing cards."

William was curious about what Dunn wanted from him, but he didn't ask because he would find out in no time.

Chanis Gate was inside the Church, and the Church had an underground passageway that would lead directly to the Blackthorn Security Company. Therefore, it took no more than five minutes to reach the place.

"Good evening, Rozanne." He greeted the overly sociable receptionist. "Is the Captain in his office?"

"Ah, William. The Captain should be there, yes." The girl hurriedly hid the magazine from her, though it was too late. "Don't snitch on me, please!"

William laughed at his antics.

"Who's skipping work?" A new voice made Rozanne jump from his seat.

Dunn Smith had entered the room looking somber but kind as always.

"Captain, I swear I wasn't reading magazines. You have to believe me."

Dunn sighed at the receptionist's behavior.

"Well, it's fine as long as we don't have customers here. Just don't get used to it." He rubbed his forehead tiredly, receiving an 'Aye sir' from her. "William, it's good that you're here. Come, I want to show you something."

William followed him into a room with a table and several chairs. There was a guitar case on the table, and he noticed that it was larger than normal.

"Due to your performance on the previous mission, this has been sent to me for you from Backlund." He walked over to the guitar case, and William understood what was inside.

Sure enough, Dunn opened it, and inside was a sword. It seemed quite normal, without much decoration. The Captain tossed it to him, and he caught it out of the air by the hilt.

"It's pretty light." William commented casually as he surveyed her.

Dunne nodded.

"It has a high quality, although there's nothing else special about it. It's actually quite heavy, you're able to handle it with ease due to your physical abilities."

William was quite pleased with this. He didn't expect to receive any sword with Beyonder abilities, since he just joined the Nighthawks, he wasn't even a Red Glove. In fact, it had been he who had asked for this as a reward, and the Church did not hesitate to accept.

"It will be quite useful, thank you, Captain." He thanked him honestly.

He went to put the sword in the guitar case. This was a measure to hide the weapon, after all, they were forbidden and someone might say something to him if he saw him walking down the street with a sword.

Dunn nodded.

"It's no problem. If you keep contributing like this, you could ask for a special sword, like Crestet Cesimir's Holy Sword." This was a name unknown to William, so the Captain explained. "He is an important member even within the Red Gloves, he is one of the nine high-ranking deacons. He received the nickname 'Goddess's Sword'."

This man intrigued William, as he was the only other person he knew who used the sword in this world, apart from him. He wondered if he could exchange some advice with him, though for that he would probably have to join the Red Gloves first.

Luckily, joining them was something that William had already planned to do in the future. It was necessary to continue growing.

"Alright, I should go to Chanis Gate now, Captain. Thanks again for this." He waved goodbye and was ready to leave, but when he turned around, Dunn Smith's voice reached him.

"Wait! I just remembered something else." Accustomed by now to the Captain's patchy memory, William just chuckled a little in his head. "A mission has come to us today, and I want you to complete it alone."

"Hm? A solo mission?" William questioned this a bit, he still remembered his first mission, which had not been easy even for a group of them.

Dunne nodded.

"Don't worry, it's nothing too difficult." He calmed him down. "All official members must go through this, it's something of a tradition. Even though you're already considered a full member, it'll come in handy for gaining experience."

"I guess there should be no problem, then." At that moment, William remembered something he wanted to say and laughed to himself, thinking that the Captain's bad memory was being transferred to him. "By the way, Captain. Your Sequence name is Nightmare, right?"

Dunn looked at him curiously, wondering what he wanted, but he nodded anyway.

"Have you ever tried acting like a Nightmare?" To the man's confusion, William hurried to explain. "The truth is, I feel like I've almost digested my potion, and I feel like the process sped up a lot when I acted on my Sequence name."

It was direct. This was the approach he had decided to take because it would show that he had no ulterior motives, and it would appear that he was simply explaining this to a superior as if it were a report.

Dunn Smith's face went through several changes. Confusion, then realization, and finally shock. Then he looked gravely at William.

"I'll check if this is true." He looked serious, but William could see something akin to hope in his eyes.

'Yes, it was the right thing to tell the Captain. This could help us lose less of our members due to their Beyonder powers losing control.' Satisfied, he made his way back to Chanis Gate, leaving the Captain lost in his thoughts.