Arc 4, Act I, Chapter 26: Treason

The windows and layered curtains glimmered in moonlight, while the hallways were lit golden. Jotou took a breath and sprinted forward down the northern hallway.

A purplish shadow bounced off the walls and floors, dashing forward with a gleaming purple dagger whilst a flurry of sparking yellow ran behind.

"PFWOOSH!" Caught by the corner of her eye, Jotou noticed a bright orange glow that just went up. Slowing down her pace, she glanced backwards while running.

The entrance to the dining hall was set on fire; or rather, the fire licked up and covered the doors. Her eyes widened. 'Can't worry about that now, don't split your focus!' She pushed any thought out of her mind, regaining her speed.

The staff ran behind the guards before a purple shadow formed behind them and—"Slash!"—cut at the back of their—"Gah!" "AHH!"—ankles as Fumeko knocked over a maid and a butler, before she landed, hunched over on the ground.