Arc 6, Chapter 19: The Castle Upon the Hill

Endless was this forest path it seemed, winding and twisting at every bend it could. "Can we buy bicycles next time…?" Asobi dragged her feet along the dirt.

"If we can find someone who makes them this far out in South End," Hotaru remarked.

"As if old timey bikes are gonna go through these roads," Jotou staggered her foot onto the ground and kicked up dust. "Unless they're enchanted."

"Oh yeah, bicycles in Jotou's world have springy thingies," Asobi replied.

Fumeko raised a brow, "Springy thingies?"

"Suspension. It's made for bumpy uneven roads like this," Jotou looked through the foliage that was beginning to clear up and the trees that grew more sparse.

The brunette's scrutinous gaze switched over to the raven-haired woman, "Why do you know that?"

Asobi shrugged and hummed.

"Hey Sobi, you think when we were with Iridina we basically got a botched psychotherapy session that might've messed with some things?"