Jotou's eyes widened and she took out a sparked blade, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU!?" Her sword slashed through it, but the giant eyes just split into two and all of them darted to look at her.
"Ah… tis you," the voice unhurriedly replied. "Harming this ocular visage will yield no benefit."
"Who's the kid, what're you doing!?"
"You need not have concern, he is disposed of."
Jotou turned and saw no child behind her—it was just the room.
"My gratitude. Locating that one has always been such a hassle," the voice then yawned. "So you are here? You look well. A little dishevelled perhaps. The noble beauty is still hard to hide however."
"I'm speaking to the spirit-mage aren't I," Jotou glared at both the masses of eyes floating in space.
"I have not introduced myself? Hm… I am Ceridwen. Now, I must depart… You are a fascinating one indeed. If we are to meet again, do not shriek at me. I loathe it.