Arc 6, Chapter 23: Illegal Substances

"That is just the herbs," a figure walked out of the backroom through beaded curtains. Her black cat-like ears cuffed with various silver jewellery. The tall slender cat-woman wearing blacks, greys and lavender for attire got behind the counter.

"Welcommmee," she squinted, eyeing the ones who entered, "-mme adventurers from down south? Yeah, that seems right, welcome adventurers, what brings you into this fine establishment?

Need for potions to heal your ailments and injuries from battle? Antidote for flying spider toxin? Ancient remedies, artefacts in stock, magical items that may be of use?"

"Yeah, none of that, we're here to ask about the castle and the case that happened there," Jotou cut to the chase as she scanned around the shop.

"N-no, we could also take a look around your inventory and see if anything catches our eye," Hotaru corrected to the shopkeeper.