Arc 6, Chapter 25: The Ever-Labyrinth

"I'll start reading through these journals," Hotaru unpacked the old tomes they obtained from Casten Castle onto the table they were at in the guild.

Neatly and securely wrapped to protect its fragility, they had brought along a handful of tomes each compared to what they hauled out from the castle. "You're sure you checked all of these?" Jotou unpacked hers as well.

Fumeko crossed her arms and lied her chin on the table, "Only these seemed relevant, unless you think outdated encyclopaedias and old medical handbooks are gonna help the case."

"The bigger question is, considering Ceridwen popping up, would Ambrose have another reason to stay at that castle besides, well, needing to hide out," Jotou posed the question. "He could've kidnapped sheep and people anywhere other than a haunted castle."