WebNovelENNY SAYS75.00%

chapter 2



I finally opened my eyes as the rays of sun gleams harshly against my window. mhm Weirdly I didn't have one of those my fantasy dreams.

"ENNY! my mum stormed into my broom with a broom. oh sweet jesus!

I began to ran for my life as mum chased me around the house.

"Mum is not my fault that my alarm didn't go off"

"You Should be at school by now and guess what here you are running around like a Maniac!

"I'm only running because you're trying to hit me with that broom stick"

"Enny you're gonna be the death of me!l

"Like wise mum"

Such a disgracefully way to start my morning with. after all that running around, my stomach began to rumble. I stormed into the kitchen as my mum drops my breakfast on the counter.

"Thanks Mum" I sip the glass of milk and grins softly at her.

"Whatever" She rolled her eyes at me which made me to laugh.

"Those were the happy times Right ? I looked at the detective who face was visible to me.

"Yeah it was "I smiled but it didn't quite reach my eyes. my body finally adjust to the mood of my environment. Dark, gloomy just like I feel right now. My chest aches and I felt suffocated. it dawned to me that I could no longer hear her laughter echoing around the house or her nagging. She was gone. Gone. tears flow down my cheeks as I took in that word, No more perfect family, no more running around, no more jokes or weirdly rolling of eyes.

"Miss Knights are you sure you wanna proceed ?

the detective hand me his handkerchief. I wiped away the tears from my cheeks.

I smiled sadly before nodding my head.

"PASSING THROUGH! A girl brush pass me with swiftness. The hallway was so chaotic and noise, migraine came down to me. In case you don't know it was my first day at LUCIANO High school. A prestigious school for rich and spoilt folks. not that I was poor or middle class don't get me wrong my family was rich but here it was something else.

"Enny right? I turned and stared at those black eyes that were familiar to me. I smiled showing my dimples as I shook his hand which he extended.

"Aiden" he lets go of my hand. " I didn't Know you go to School here"

"Almost all the folks staying in this city attends here or the public school. guess I'm one of those folks who's lucky to get in here".

"Right. Can you tell me the location of the Principal office"

he took my books. "C'mon I'll take you there "

funny how I felt free in his presence. he kept me company and I was never bored. We just keep on discussing our lives and all that, it was so peaceful and sweet.

"Here we are" He hand me back my books

"Thank you. you've been quite a gentle man " I smiled, taking my books from him

"Wait does that mean I haven't been a gentleman? ouch" I laughed at his statement. there's something about Aiden that makes me wanna be vulnerable, the smooth way he keeps his conversation without getting tired. I really admire that. it was something I didn't have.

"So Aiden was ur highschool Crush? I laughed and brushed that statement made my the detective off.

"Maybe Maybe not "

"then what happened next miss knight?.


I stepped into the Principal office. the feeling of strictness, cold consumed me. She wasn't like other Principal I've ever had. Curly hair, half transparent glasses that perched at the bridge of her pointed nose, Alpha woman vibes with those cold Snake like green eyes.

"Miss Knights"

"Good morning Ma'am "

"Likewise dear. Now take this note it consists of your schedules for your classes."

Just like that my life in school began.

"So how's your class going?

"Ennie! horrible. where did you disappear to? I rest my head on his shoulders.

"Football tryouts" he patted my shoulders.

"Lemme guess You made it on the team"

"is that even a question lol I did "

"Congratulations at least one of us day is going great" I sighed.

"you didn't join any school club?

"Why should I after all it's just a waste of time"

"Miss Loner here is speaking" He chuckled. I rose up and punch his shoulders.

"I'm not a loner thank you" The school bell rings. "Omg can't the break be any longer"

"Crazy. catch you after school"

"Annoying. See ya"

I stood up to attend my next class which was mathematics. damn my favourite class which I had with Aiden.

"over here " I smiled at him waving me to sit next to him which I did. We kept on discussing before a guy interupted us.

"Hey Man. whose your new friend" He was definitely a jock. all mascular and manly dressed in his PE wears. his hair slightly shorter than Aiden but was wood brown and was messy just like Aiden. At the bridge of his nose, faint of freckles which weren't too visible. Almond eyes hit on with hazel. he was strikingly handsome. Standing Close to Aiden I could pick Who got good looks between them.

"This is Enny. Enny this is my best friend Jacob"

He extended his hands " Pleasure to meet you Enny"

"Likewise" I smiled at him. Jacob that's was the perfect name for this speciman right here with a bad boy, flirt, and dangerous aura. ok I admit I'm attracted to him, his smile that shows a perfect white set of well arranged tooth. The Lord definitely gave him great genes and judging by the way girls stared at him, he was definitely women magnet.

He engaged in a conversation with Aiden and after now and then They include me in it which I appreciate. It made me feel calm and less shy.

"Aww that's so cutee" I said smiling at Aiden's embarrassing Stories that jacob keeps on talking about. " I didn't know you were into Spongebob"

"Can't blame me that shit funny asf" Aiden shrugged.

"Alright gotta run but first your phone?

I gave it to him after typing something he gave it back to me. " If you need embarrassing Stories about Aiden hit me up" he winked.

I laughed. " Yeah sure "

Just like that he disappeared then I looked at Aiden.

"Don't look at me like I'm some plush toy"

"You are! specially a cute one" I laughed.