At the mansion of Argaroths imprisonment, Fayla started to panick whilst the duke was nervous because he had no idea what is happening,that's right he's still being kept in the dark, so after a pulse of energy was released outside of the courtyard Fayla begone to panick causing the duke to ask

"Now seriously what have you done to make you so frightened?"

"I-no time for that, release the recording now"

Fayla commanded,'We have no time for explanations I must slow her down'

"Haa understood." Greywat

After Fayla's order, a video started to appear out of the relays, showing Arg being tortured and his screams of agonising pain.

Aila was still flying through the air towards the

vague signal as she passed over a village she saw a video pop up. That was when the whole realms fate was sealed.

Aila's dilated something snapped in Aila when she saw the video of her son in ruins, blood running down his mouth, needles that are vibrating intensely stabbed into the tip of his finger and toes and yellow veins running from his legs to his chest,constantly saying mommy as his last grasp on his will.

"Back of woman otherwise the boy is in for a lot more pain."Fayla appeared on the screen with a sinister grin"And for the people wondering this "child" nay monster wiped out an entire village without even caring so I am punishing evil and to you mother of this child did you think I would leave him after WHAT YOU DID no no no no" After the speech, the screen shut off leaving silence throughout the continent.Then only one voice was heard.

"I WILL KILL YOOOUUU, NO FUCK IT THIS ENTIRE REALM." Aila roared with something more powerful than rage; whatever it was, it would bring the doom of this realm.

"Fayla, now you must tell me what it is that you have done for someone to threaten this entire realm." Greywat asked, desperate for answers.

"That woman is a powerful person; it seems I have brought the doom of the entire realm." She said, 'I must leave now; otherwise, I am doomed.'

"How powerful if she's stronger than you by a level we can still win I will plead the emperor for reinforc-"

"She's a god or that's what Alek thought, but when she survived his self destruct, then I knew for sure she was a god."

Fayla interrupted, but before the duke could reply she already left flying towards her escape.

(2 minute's later)

Killing intent rained down on the dukes Manor,

before the duke could even look out his window a woman appeared.

"Y-your holiness I welcome you to my estate

please I shall escort you to your so-"before the duke could complete his sentence a hand went straight through his head when the butler saw this he began to run but as he went he fell, his legs where missing



The butlers head was crushed under Aila's foot and so that was the end of duke Isle Greywat of breadstia(where in Breadstia).

As Aila began walking through the hallway anyone that was in her way or even infront of her died,she didn't care.

Soon Aila came upon a door "Mommy" thats all Aila needed to hear for her to destroy the door and rush in but to her horror the video was true, there she saw her child looking like he'd been through hell and the thing he was still muttering was "mommy" like a broken cassette tape.

"Oh Arg what has she done to you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry" Aila bursted out into tears upon seeing her son in such a horrific state once she saw the needles they disappeared along with the straps and the fylak Argaroth now free from his restraints was still seated clearly lost in his own mind until a soft hand touched his face instantly his eyes came to life as his wounds started to close up,then he looked up and saw the only thing that mattered, his mother cupping his face whilst tears where streaming down her divine pale face.

"Why do you cry mommy nothing is wrong see

I'm perfectly fine now" Arg said but his eyes where empty, showing barely any life.

Aila noticing this immediately hugged him

but before she could say anything,

"You still have something to do mommy,

so you should go and do it now, then come back with her corpse-No actually take me with you so then I can watch." Arg said with small smile but there was nothing in his eyes.

"Ok I'll take you I swear she will writhe in pain and scream for mercy"Aila replied with a crazed look in her eyes.And so they left rushing towards Fayla location.

(Fayla P.O.V)

As Fayla was flying through the air as fast as she could towards her destination in a constant state of panick she still thought 'quicker quicker QUICKER'. When she reached it she looked at the majestic entrance of the celestial tunnel.The Celstial tunnels where made to allow people that have celestial energy in there body travel between realms (meaning divine and above) They can go to the higher realms or lower but of course because of capitalism, you have to pay depending on the level of the low or high realm and of course there are restricted realms you get it.

As Fayla began to walk she felt it this was the celestial energy of a person and its way above her level as the air began to turn red and lava started to erupt from the ground the realm was practically on the brink of destruction after the wave of celstial energy earthquakes where happening and all the people of the realm became scared.Fayla's instincts where screaming for her to run but before she could even move a hand caught her shoulder.


"Argh- Huh where am I *looks around* ugh I need to move." Fayla said to hereself

"I don't think your going anywhere again."

Fayla heard a voice as she looked around she knew that voice, that pure sinister,rage filled voice it was the evil goddess that she had ran from.

(General P.O.V)

As Aila glared at the woman named Fayla,Arg was holding her hand so then she wouldn't just tear Fayla to pieces.

"Do it mother" as soon as those words left Argaroths mouth.

Aila said "Ok. So Fayla that was the name your friend called out right anyway."


something appeared in Ailas hand it was a pitch black ball but wisps of black energy was coming out of it.

"This is a soul ravager they come from the null zone.You know of it right?"Aila questioned

'Oh shit'

Fayla began to struggle, as a fear began to rise from deep within her core.

With the look on her face Aila knew she knew.

"That right you chose the red pill bitch so now your gonna get the affects of swallowing it,

literally" After she finished before Fayla could speak, Aila shoved the soul ravager in her mouth then forcing her to swallow(heh)

As soon as the parasite went down her throat it dissipated and turning into pitchblack ball of energy, then it latched onto her soul.

"You see this will take some time but it will slowly start to eat away at your soul causing immeasurable pain, but wait we have to do the same that you did to my son so."


multiple jagged needles and a fylak worm appeared out of nowhere.

"Now you may not know this but a fylak worm's fluid can be released quicker with a sip of adrenaline it will release more doubling it effects." Aila explain. Aila then proceeds to dip the fylak worm in a bowl of adrenaline(or epinephrine) almost instantly the worm began to wriggle around alot.Aila then places the worm on the exact same place as it was placed on her son.Almost in an instant yellow veins flowed up Fayla's body and so came along the-


The pain was again doubled for Fayla and the fylak worm didn't stop once it reached the marrow it carried on going through the bone eating the marrow then continuing.

Constant screams of pain kept arising in the room they where in,when finally Aila decide to carry on.

"Next up the tip of the toes and fingers this was really painful for Arg especially with the worm, I wonder how you will take it but double hahaha" As soon as Aila said this the jagged needles started to vibrate then they instantly got stabbed into there designated areas.


(Imagined a really awful drawn-out scream of pure agony)

Fayla's screams of unbridled pain echoed around the room.Whilst this was happening Aila and Argaroth had a huge crazy smile spreading ear to ear whilst their amethyst purple eyes where glowing.

"Now then let's start with the last of this act"

Aila announced

"So first the teeth but Arg it's your turn to

torture her now" Aila announced and so with the opportunity of revenge presenting itself Argaroth took it.

*Schrip* (teeth ripping from the gum idk)

Argaroth started.Whilst some of the teeth

"extracting" was clumsy it made it even more painful.


Just like Arg, Fayla started to choke on her blood whilst being in agony.

After Argaroth removed all of Fayla's teeth

he turned to his mother,

"The nails next right, mommy," he asked in a psychotic tone, clearly showing his enjoyment

while his eyes were brimming with life once again whilst also glowing.

"Yes, sweety next up the nails,"Aila replied.

With conformation, Argaroth proceeded.

With constant twist and turns of the nail Argaroth pulled Fayla's nails of slowly.

After finally finishing everything that she did to Argaroth and a little extra such as...hrm...

nails in knee caps, vibrating jagged needles in the eye then slow removal, jagged nails in the elbows ( Fun fact:thats where the ulnar nerve is hence the name funny bone making it hurt when you hit it hard so with something sharp it will..hurt like hell) and some good ol spider's,during one of their torturous adventure they came to find out she's scared of spider's,so Aila put fayla in a glass box and then summoned abunch of tarantulas and dumped them in.

After all of that the soul ravager finally aight to the point where she became nothing but a lifeless doll.

"We should go mother there is nothing left to do."Arg suggested.

"Your right let's go." She replied, but before she left her hand went through Fayla's heart, ripping it out then squeezing.

"Now we can go" she stated.


After washing in a bath, they came out Arg still in amazement of that contraption his mother called a tap(that what we call it in the UK I dont know about anywhere else)and Aila just smiling from feeling refreshed, the past day has been hectic.Starting of with Arg being captured by malgites then he made a pocket dimension theeen he was kidnapped during her fight and now here they are.

"Mother I've been meaning to ask, where are we" Arg asked with his hair being dried by his mother they could just use elohim but Aila liked drying his head with a towel and Arg liked his mother doing it.

"Well seeming how we had to flee after I activated my celestial energy we traveled to a high level, lower realm where an entire galaxy exists of course they see more but they will be stuck in this galaxy forever this place is called Ee-aarth wait no i think it was earth there we go earth"she explained "And the specifics is the U.S of A and the city is called the city of angel, Los Angeles."

It's funny how 24hrs has passed in all of these series of events,luckily it went smoothly I should try to space it out more lol.

Soo I picked L.A instead of Newyork because I went to L.A and there are some characters there lol but don't worry next chapter will be the last where the Argaroth will be a 1 years old( even tho he acts like a 3 and looks like a 5 year old)

so I'm thinking like 10 to 12 y'know leading into teenage year I think it would be fun anyway that means I'm gonna think about like the next chapters in advance son chapter 7 will be on Tuesday.

*Thanks for reading*