Ch.4| Ouch

"Riggs, You can't. She can't. You'll both be discharged." Avery glared on me from across the room.

"They have nothing against dating or marrying through the Army. Just sex! I don't need sex!" I yelled at Avery.

I planned on confessing to Dylan when we returned home from deployment. I've liked her since Day 1. She was strong and brave. Resilient. Sarcastic. Beautiful. And just a badass.

"No, Riggs. Dont make me remove her and send her to a different division." Avery sat at the desk and we waited for Dylan.


"Where the fuck is she?" Avery tapped impatiently on the desk.

"No clue." I looked at my watch. Dylan was supposed to be here an hour ago.

Without speaking, I got up and left the room. Dylan was never late. She was either busy or in trouble.

I stepped out into the warm breeze and looked around. No sign of her in the square. I walked outside of our camp and into the small city. There were civilians everywhere. Men and Women eating dinner and children running around. It was peaceful, is peaceful.

A body was laying in the grass, barely breathing or so it seemed. I walked over and as I got closer, I could make out the features.

"Dylan!" I rushed over and looked over her. Her usual grey shirt stained red with blood. Her chest was barely rising.

"Dylan, open your eyes." I patted her cheek softly and applied pressure to her wound.

Her eyes fluttered open.

"Medic! I need a medic!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

Within minutes doctors and medics were taking Dylan off to surgery.

I followed and remained in the waiting area with Avery. I don't remember when he showed up honestly.

After about the 4th hour of waiting, Avery pulled me outside. It was time for our midnight run. We woke the soldiers up to do so. It will help there stamina and their reaction times.

"She will be fine man." Avery put a reassuring hand on my shoulder as I finished tying my boots.

"You didn't see her. She looked so scared." So fragile. But I had to put aside my feelings. She's just another soldier. I have more of her to train and improve.

"Alright Asshats. Rise and shine!" I turned the light on in the cabin.

"Can't we have a break?" One of my men asked sleepily from across the cabin.

"You can have a break when you're sent home from the holidays. Or when you're on medical leave. Until then you are here to work. Here to protect and serve." I stood straighter and glared at my men who haven't moved.

"Get your asses up now or you're running until sunrise." I yelled.

I left the cabin and stood outside, waiting for my men. They have a lot more attitude now that they're privates. I earned my title as Sergeant and deserved some respect for it.

About 10 minutes after I yelled, they filed out of the cabin.

"New Rule in place boys, You don't get up on time, You are discharged." I crossed my arms.

Eyes Widened and faces got red.

"Yes Sir." Came shortly after.

"Good. Now go run 10 laps around the camp. Then you may return to sleep or to the mess hall for an early breakfast." I nodded sternly. They took off and Avery approached me.

"She's out of surgery." He smiled.

She was okay. Good. I sighed a breath of relief. I looked up at Avery who nodded. I didn't even need to say anything.

Without another word, I took off in the direction of the clinic. I still don't know why I cared about her. Maybe it was because I pitied her the first day of training. Maybe its all of those long hours spent helping her learn about firearms.

I pushed through the flaps on either side of the clinic. There were people all over, some sick and others laying on gurneys. I spotted Dylan within seconds.



"You're such a disappointment, Dylan." Mother spat.

"Im trying my hardest. Please." I begged for her to understand and give me another chance.

"Your 'hardest' isn't enough. You're not my daughter." She turned and walked into her bedroom.

Leaving me an emotional mess on the floor.

"Dylan, Get your ass off the floor. There's a mess in the den." My father gripped me by my forearm and dragged me off to our living room.

There was spilled alcohol and broken bottles everywhere. The usual.

"Clean my mess up, Dylan." My father spoke sternly.

Fucking Sicko.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up from the floor to see my father glaring down at me.

"I said clean up my mess!" He raised his hand to strike me, with a blood curdling scream I awoke.

"Shes awake doc!" A warm familiar voice rang through my ears.

I pried my sleepy eyes open and spotted Riggs. I felt the smile creep up on my face as I studied my friend.

"Dylan? Can you hear me?" A man in a white coat asked softly.

"I can." I replied, surprised at how normal my voice sounded.

"Great. How are you feeling?" The man, Im assuming the doctor, took notes on a clip board.

I took a deep breathe and looked around the room.

"For being in a hospital, amazing." I turned to Riggs who was studying me with careful eyes.

"When are we leaving?" We had a mission to rescue a scientist for this town. She was working on new war weapons for soldiers. It was supposed to be kept top secret, but word got around, and she was taken whilst on a research run.

"We? You're staying here, Dylan." Riggs crossed his muscular arms across his chest.

"Why?" I cocked an eyebrow. Why had things changed?

The doctor and Riggs shared a look with each other.

"Dylan, Do you not remember being stabbed?" Riggs sat up and questioned me.

Stabbed? I was stabbed?

I took a few deep breaths. I remember.

"The little girl. Yeah. I remember." I said softly.

"A little girl did this to you?" Riggs looked at me with disbelief.

Great. They're not gonna believe me.

"The pain killers make people a little,erm, loopy." The doctor chuckled.

"She was there. She had blood all over her, Riggs." I looked at him and felt tears form when he showed signs of doubt.

"Im tired." I said blankly. I really wasn't but I wanted them away from me.

"We shall take our leave then." The boys both stood up. Riggs smiled sadly before leaving.