Ch.23 Parting Ways


"I can't do that, Dylan." I stared at my mess of a friend.

She wanted to run her own unit but she hasn't been cleared for it. Nor is she trying to get cleared.

"I'm fine! Not my fault Renae can't see that." Dylan crossed her arms and gave me a twisted glare.

This was going to be a huge mess. Where is Riggs?

"What happens if you aren't fine? You lead a group out to whatever mission and you're not fine?" I pulled out a seat for her and sat down at the table. She stood, staring at me.

Dylan stepped forward and took a seat,"Christian, I'm fine. I promise you. Renae won't clear me because she thinks it affected me more then I'm letting on." Dylan shrugged it off.

"Is it?" I don't believe her. She's strong but that would affect anyone.

"No, fourth time. I'm fine. Are you going to give me a unit or not?" She sat back and crossed her arms.

"Fine. You'll have one next week." I smiled and stood.

"Next week?" She followed me.

"Yeah,Dylan, after you pass your NMHA." I gave her a smile this time. It was an asshole move but I'm not sending my men out there to die because she's unfit to lead them.

"Are you serious? Go fuck yourself." Dylan spat and stormed out of the cafeteria.



Why is everything going so wrong? I came home and I took months off to recuperate. I'm better and I'm ready to get back to work, but I can't.

I have to take a god damn mental test.

"Dylan, come with me." Riggs called as I exited the glass doors.

"No," I shook my head and I walked past him.

"I didn't ask. Let's go." This time he demanded and I stopped.

I wasn't gonna win this one. Rolling my eyes, I followed him down the road.

"Where to?" I asked as we took a turn.

"You'll see." Riggs mumbled.

I guess he doesn't want to talk.

I wouldn't want to talk to me either.

As we got closer to wherever we were going, I began to hear the sound of flowing water.

"Riggs?" I spoke up softly.

"This is the first place we ran off together, You remember?" Riggs nodded at the river.

I nodded and stared at the water.

"It's freezing out here,Riggs." I shuttered as the wind blew.

"It's warmer in the water, C'mon." Riggs winked at me and held out his arms.

"Are you crazy? I'll get hypothermia." I shook my head and backed away from the water, digging my toes into the sand.

"Fine." He smiled and shook his head.

"Fine." I nodded and turned to go find our towel.

"Oh no you don't," Riggs was suddenly behind me and in a second I was slung over his shoulder.

"Put me down you ass!" I tried pushing myself off.

"Okay," Riggs smirked and dropped me into the cold water.

A scream erupted from my lips as the cold water surrounded me.

This mother fucker. I pushed myself to the surface and started gasping for air.

"You're a dick! It's cold!" I splashed water at the tall man in front of me.

"Well,come here then." He treaded in the water towards me.

"Never!" I squealed and swam backwards.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked, staring at the water.

"This will always be here. Our memories will always be here. The military? That will always here be. So will your spot." Riggs took my hands in his and messaged over the back of them.

"I'm not quitting." I began to pull away but he held tight.

"I'm not asking you to. It'll all be here when you're ready,Dylan. Don't rush the process." I stared at him in awe this time. No anger or hate.

"I am ready." I shook my head.

"You're not. And that's okay. It takes time." Riggs pulled me into a hug and I didn't reject it.

I took a deep breath and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Just,Dont push us away,D. We're here to help." He kissed my temple and pulled back.

"How do you do it?" I nodded at his wound. He had healed but the skin was now covered in scars.

"Do what?" He cocked an eyebrow at me.

Right not everyone is in my head with me.

"The wounds. You've been shot more times then I can count." I rubbed my arms, a habit now.

"I have my family. They help me back onto my feet," he smiled and looked at me,"You help me back onto my feet. You're the light to my dark." He winked.

I sighed, I needed to let the light in.

Riggs was my light.

"I'm scared,Riggs." I sat down on the sand. He claimed a spot next to me and slid his handed into mine.

"I'm scared of being taken again. I'm scared of fucking up and being forced home. I'm scared of losing you or Avery to some bullshit mission." I wiped my eyes.

"I won't let you be taken. That will never happen, not again. And that isn't your home. Me and Avery are. Where you go, we go." Riggs smiled.

"Exactly. Where you go, we go. Except now apparently fuck y'all for not inviting me on this adventure." Avery walked down the sand lined path.

"Sorry man," Riggs chuckled.

"Yeah do it again and I'll assign you the bad recruits." Avery sat next to me,"Hey."

"Hey. I'm sorry." I nudged him with my shoulder.

"It's okay. I get it, I've been in your shoes. We all have." He gave me a sad smile.

I'd be okay with these two fools by my side. I gave them both a smile and stood.

"Where you goin'?" Riggs said with a ciggarette in his mouth.

"Get that cancer stick out of your mouth, you fool." I shook my head and slid my tshirt off.

"Cover your eyes, Ave." Riggs stood, took the trash out of his mouth and walked over to me.

"Its too cold to swim, Dylan. Put your shirt on." He held it out to me.

"Its warmer in the water," I winked and turned, ready to step into the icy water.

"Ya'll are slow!" Avery came running past us and dove into the water.

"Unfair!" Riggs called and raced into the water.

I chuckled as I watched the boys wrestle in the water.

I looked down and undid my belt, unneeded but required to pass inspection. My camo pants fell to the floor and I was left in my burgundy boy shorts.

"C'mon Dylan! We need to kick this boy's ass." Avery yelled from the water.

"Be there in a second, try not to drown jackass." I laughed as Riggs pushed him underwater.

Looking down at my legs, my breath hitched in my throat.

I had almost forgotten about the scabs and the scars that lined my calves and thighs. I had almost forgotten about the purple bruises and the dried blood that never seems to go away. I had almost forgotten that Im a failure.

They should of discharged me the minute I got back. Im too weak for this. Im unfit.

I looked up at the boys in the water, joy painted on their faces.

I looked back down at my legs and smiled. Actually smiled.

Im strong. Strong enough to be standing outside and talking. Sure im not 100% but I'll get there.

I inhaled and exhaled quickly. Ready to kick ass.

By 'Kick ass' I mean go drown Riggs.

Riggs smiled at me as I approached,"Hey bab-"

I jumped on him which sent us both crashing into the water. I laughed when we reached the surface again.

"Oh you're gonna regret that." He growled as he swam towards me.

"Avery help!" I called.

"On the way, My queen!" Avery saluted and dolphin dived towards Riggs.

This was my family.

And my home.