Alba 02

I checked the convenience store location on my smartphone and headed to the nearest bus stop.

It was still a bit burdensome to walk because of the cold weather.

"Look at that brother over there. He's so handsome."

"Really? Where? Wow, handsome."

As I stand at the bus stop, I hear a small talk from the passing high school students.

Are you talking to me?

I carelessly turned my gaze and the girls ran shyly.

Oh, my gosh!


I've never heard that short before in my life.

I'm handsome like that.

I heard something I hadn't heard in over 40 years while living as Lee Jungwoo, and I changed it to Lee Dou Hoon in 10 minutes.

Being born again is the moment I desperately feel.

Thank you, students. I'm going to heaven. Heaven is real.

Inspired by the positive gaze around me, I felt a lot of strength in my shoulders.

'This is what it feels like to live with a handsome face.'

The women look at me and smile, and the men wince.

I've never felt like this before.

So far, it's only when people get their attention that they are ranked first in the school and go up to the observation deck. Others have always been regarded as invisible.

Men looked at me easily because I was small, and women didn't even think of me as a man.

Every time I walk down the street with my beautiful wife, I always hear gossip behind my back.

Look, he's got a lot of money.

What are you, a doctor?

But not anymore.

I am Lee Do-hoon from 185, not Lee Jeong-woo from 158 Chuan.

My body is full of strong confidence that I've never felt before in my life.

An age when the face dominates the intelligence.

A world where the body undermines Spec.

Being handsome was the moment I realized that it could be a power.

The bus we've been waiting for has arrived. When I get on the bus, the ceiling feels a little cramped. The standing loop that I had struggled with at school also looked very low. All I can see is people's black heads. No one on the bus was bigger than me. He also felt a strange sense of superiority.

"Hahaha! The air above is so good!" '

When I got off the bus, I saw a convenience store.

Arrived too soon? I got in 30 minutes earlier than my shift.

The shopkeeper at every table is pleased to see me.

"Oh, you're here early."

Is she, like, 160? A girl with small height and round glasses fits well.

It's not very pretty, but it has a pretty taste and makes the viewer smile.

The name of Jeon Su-yeon is written on the name tag.

"Yes. I'm here early because I don't have much work to do."

"Thank you. I suddenly have a situation at home."

Suyeon looks sorry.

I don't know, but he seems like a decent student.

I relaxed her in her 40s.

"There are days like that. Go quickly."

"Oh, I'll be fine until 4: 00. Please bring your uniform. I'll settle it."


Turns out, she was dressed in a rustic outfit with the Ettu Anti logo on it. Is that what you're working on? I noticed and entered the warehouse she pointed to. There was a uniform that appeared to be mine in the corner of the Storage where I had stockpiled my spare items. I took off my jumper and put on my uniform vest. I was trying to change my clothes and the watch suddenly rang.

[Mission triggered.]


[Mission: Target Glasses, Mission.]

What are you talking about? A mission all of a sudden? '

[The original mission is random. When you complete your first mission, you will receive a special reward of 'InfoWindow Skill' and 200 points. Accept?]

What happens if you don't accept? '

[Refusing a mission does not result in a penalty. However, missions are random, so if you decline this mission, you don't know when they will be created again.]

According to the clock, missions can be stored up to three at a time.

In other words, if there are three missions, no new missions will be launched until you clear them.

It was a difficult mission to target, but it was a difficult situation to remain aesthetic.

'Hmmm... I'll think about it for a second.'

[Mission accepts in 3: 42 seconds.]

"What's so tight? '

[Mission must be decided within 5 minutes of presentation.]

By the way, an information window skill must be a very useful skill for wooing women in the future. I made a decision right away.

'All right, whatever. Let's try it. It's the only thing I've ever seen.'

[Mission accepted. The Display window displays the remaining time until the mission is successful.]

Looking at the clock, I remembered the description as follows:

Target the glasses!

* This is a mission to target part-time students working in the same store.

* A successful reward will be awarded with the skill 'InfoWindow' and 200 points.

* If the time is exceeded, the mission will be automatically cleared.

* Time left: 7Day

"What? A week?"

I don't even know what to say.

[This mission is limited to one week.]

How do you expect me to drop someone I've never met before in a week? '

[Lee Jungwoo may not have seen her before, but Lee Do-hoon has known her for over a full day.]

'No, it's none of my business... no, it's none of my business.'

[Countdown begins in the current hour. The rest of the time can be viewed at any time through the Display window.]

Oh, my God!

I don't know about anything else, but time is running out. Right now, all I know about her is the name stone. Moreover, the biggest problem was that the time that she and I used to work did not overlap.

On the phone with the boss, she finishes work from 10: 00 a.m. to 6: 00 p.m., and I'm in charge of her back time. In other words, the only time we can meet is about 10 minutes together to meet the settlement. It was a mission to bring her down in a week on those terms.

Do you think she likes me? '

[We don't know that. I only know my surroundings through the memory of Yi Dorhoon. There's no information on that.]

"Damn it, what kind of mission is this? '

I came out of the warehouse with a grumpy face.

Suyeon was tidying up all the loose items.

"Hey, are you out? There's nothing wrong with the settlement. Check the cash."


I checked the numbers on the cash and forceps monitors she told me about. Convenience store Alba was the first, but it shouldn't look awkward, so I had to act naturally. When I looked at the watch, I was just passing 3: 30.

Now we only have about 30 minutes to get information on her.

We don't have much time.

"But what's going on at home?"

"Oh, it's no big deal. I have a sit-down with my brother-in-law's house next month. I mistook the date and gave you the wrong number."

"I see."

I found out about the family.

If you're getting married, you must be a little older. I'm going to have to sneak a peek.

"A sister up top?"

"No, I have a second sister. Phew, but I think I'll be a little disappointed when my older sister marries me. I took care of you a lot."

"Are you and your older sister getting older?"

"Yes, he's eight years old."

The youngest daughter in a three-year-old house. You must have grown up to be very pretty.

All right, that's enough of that eosinophilic acid. I need to find out if he's a boyfriend.

"Don't you want to get married when you see her getting married? I heard that women are a little..."

"Brother! That's too much."


"Shouldn't you ask her if she has a boyfriend first?"

Su-yeon said with a slightly puked face.

Okay, obviously no boyfriend.

I'm gonna blow my cuckoo balls off at this point.

"I knew Su-yeon was pretty, so of course I knew if she had a boyfriend."

"Oh, what am I..."

Even when she said that, a smile bloomed on Suyeon's face.

As expected, women love a compliment of being pretty.

Plus, she's the youngest daughter of a three-year-old house.

This type of person naturally accepts the favor of the other person because they grow up to receive a lot of love.

"I thought you were pretty the first time I saw you. Aren't they popular in school?"

"Why do you keep embarrassing yourself? And he doesn't like men because he's in our company."

"Aha! That's the problem. If there were so many boys in school, I would never have let them..."

"Oh my... Even you."

Her affection seems to rise slightly with repeated compliments.

She's starting to wonder about me.

"Isn't Malu popular?"


"You're handsome. I feel good..."

"Look at this? '

I felt like I found a clue in her words.

What people say makes them less interested or tasteful.

Maybe she's more of a body type than a face.

This time it goes directly into the sphere.

"Do you like Suyeon's good body?"

I notice a slight embarrassment. But I could already see it in that face.

"Well... isn't it better than being full? You look like a man when you get out of the boat."

"That's right. I have a king on my boat."

I saw her gaze go down slightly.

I'm sure.

This type is attracted to a physically fit man.

Then the first mission is to battle with your body.