Elvis watched as Daphne left his office. Anger was boiling inside his soul. This was a girl he admired and adored. Now she was carrying an unwanted pregnancy and the fool who was responsible for it chose to run away.
Why running away from such a beautiful girl? Just staying beside such a beauty could change one's mood. He was harsh to her because she wasn't as he wanted her to be.
He could still see that Daphne was still beautiful even though she was unkempt. He recalled how she begged him for bread and he still refused. His heart began to prick him for being so unkind to Daphne.
Elvis gave thought to the courage it took Daphne to come to him. She must have taken him to be her last option. She knew he will be disappointed with her and yet she came to him. She swallowed her pride and self-esteem and covered her shame and approached him and yet he turned her down completely. Right there on his table, in front of him was a bundle of money.
Elvis picked his phone and collected the piece of paper Daphne wrote her phone number and began dialing her number and the number did not connect. He tried several times and the network provider kept telling him the same thing. He was really agitated.
The sun was going down the horizon, beckoning darkness to come and take over the land.
Appolonia have closed the shop for the day and was at home. Amorita served her food to her and she ate. Appolonia was at the parlor watching television while Simdi and Amorita were busy getting ready for a birthday party of one of Amorita's friends.
When the two finished preparing and were ready to go, they came to the parlor to tell Appolonia about their movement. Appolonia saw them and was filled with joy admiration.
"where are you two shining to?" Appolonia asked them cheerfully.
"we are going to my girlfriend's birthday party." Amorita said to Appolonia.
"Jecinta is her name, she is celebrating today. So we are heading there to party with her." Simdi explained further.
"both of you are looking so sweet and charming, and I hope you two will not steal the occasion from your friend." Appolonia complimented them.
"mom if we steal the show for her, she will bear it. Shining stars can't hide their brightness." Amorita said to Appolonia.
"that's right, mom, we can't hide our looks. We will see you later mom, take care." Simdi said his mother.
"both of you should have fun." Appolonia said to them.
"yes mom, we will have fun." Amorita replied Appolonia.
Appolonia watched them in admiration as they left the house. She continued watching her television program by herself.
Daphne lay on the ground under the tree, getting weak and weaker. She was just waiting for the moment she won't be conscious of her surroundings and that would be goodbye to all her suffering.
Daphne could sense that night was approaching fast, but she didn't bother, because it will be over very soon. When her phone began to ring, she managed to place it close to her ear and speak.
Elvis identified himself as the one who was calling her. He found out that her voice was very weak.
"please talk to me, where are you?" he asked her.
Daphne managed to discribe to him where she was. He set out to locate her after the phone call.
As she lay there, she began to have hope that she might survive her ordeal. But the constant ache in her tommy made her to entertain some doubts. After what seemed like hours, someone found her laying under a tree and she was so weak. Elvis nearly wept when he saw her condition, she was almost passing out.
He quickly lifted her up and picked her little bag and carried her to his car. She knew someone was helping her by carrying her. She was too weak to protest or to make sure the person meant no harm to her.
When they got to his car, Elvis poured liquid milk into her mouth. After making sure that she had swallowed some quantity, he began to feed her from the food flask he bought food with. After some time, she got enough strength and fed herself the remaining food.
He watched her with affection as she recovered and ate the food by herself. He wouldn't have forgiven himself if she died, he would blame himself for it because he was blinded by his jealousy and anger.
"thank you so much, I thought I have died." Daphne thanked Elvis.
"you won't die. And you can't sleep here. Come, let me take you back to your parents." Elvis said to her.
"my father will kill me." Daphne reminded him.
"not when I am with you. Come, I will plead on your behalf. You will die out here, and I can't allow you to stay out here." Elvis insisted on taking her to her parents.
"I will go with you, but please, don't let him cut me with his sickle." Daphne pleaded.
"no problem, I won't let him touch you. Come with me." Elvis assured her.
Elvis helped her to stand up and he helped her to enter his car. He put her small bag into the boot. He joined her in the car and drove off.
At the party, people were dancing to the loud music, while some were eating and drinking and some were chatting or gossiping.
Amorita, Jecinta the party girl, and other girls were chatting and laughing together.
Simdi sat quietly and was watching everyone do their things. His male friends were not at this party so he kept to himself. He couldn't join Amorita with her girlfriends in their girl-talk, so he sat alone and enjoyed the party.
At a time, Simdi noticed Lily Duncan 21 years, smiling at the people dancing. She was beautiful and enchanting. He was immediately drawn to her. As he sized her up, he saw her crutches lying beside her seat. He collected one soft can drink from the maids serving at the party and walked up to Lily. When he got to her, he gave her the can drink and sat on the empty seat beside her.
Lily didn't know the guy that offered her a drink. When she looked at his face, she saw a smile on his face that dismantled her bones. He was so handsome and friendly. So she accepted the drink from Simdi.
"thank you, no one seems to notice me and offer me something." Lily thanked him with a smile on her face.
"I noticed you, that was why I came." he said to her.
"once again, thanks for acting on what you noticed, even though I don't know what you noticed about me that made you come."
"my name is Simdi Logan." he introduced himself to her.
"I am Lily Duncan." she said her name.
"nice to meet you." Simdi said to her.
He took her hand and shook it, he noticed that they were soft. He was expecting it to be rough because of the crutches she was using. It didn't take time for both of them to hit it off. They chatted like old friends and laughed carefreely.
From a little distance from Simdi and Lily, Amorita noticed that Simdi was chatting and laughing with a girl, so she drew Jecinta's attention to them.
"Jecinta, who is that girl Simdi is chatting with over there?" Amorita asked her.
Jecinta looked carefully and couldn't seem to know the girl.
"I don't know her." Jecinta answered Amorita.
"she's my cousin and a cripple, see her crutches beside her." Tessy answered Amorita.
Amorita looked closely and also saw the crutches that was lying beside the girl. Then she smiled in satisfaction.
"if I may ask, what must they be talking about that's making them laugh like old friends?" Amorita asked her friends.
"ask him later, but allow her to keep him company as you are here with us, keeping us company." Tessy said to Amorita.
"there's no problem, but my guy is sentimental, so that's why I got to keep an eye on him." Amorita explained her fears to Tessy and others who were there.
"that's okay, but a cripple can't compete with you. Let's leave Simdi and talk about us, please." Jecinta said to Amorita.
"yes, you're right, let me make a toast to my baby girl." Amorita said to them.
Amorita raised her wine cup and looked at everyone around her. Her friends also raised their own wine cups up. Amorita smiled at them and made her toast.
"to many more happy years for us." Amorita said.
Her lady friends all shouted cheers and they sipped their wines. The party was a success. Everyone that attended the party ate, drank and danced away fatigue and sorrow.
Simdi and Lily were on their own, chatting and making jokes and laughing.