Love alarm

We all have heard about fights and the various motives behind them: fights for hunger, love, survival, power, and much more, as the list goes on. The entire Crescent territory had been witnessing the fight for its throne by the leaders of the three packs: Moon, Eclipse and Orion. 

The territories were said to be established by four friends. Later, with the marriage of one of the heirs of the fourth pack and her departure abroad, the fourth part of the territory, that had been equally divided till then, was in need of an Alpha to rule it- giving rise to the rivalry spanning centuries. 

All three packs each specialised in one major fighting skill, as the Eclipse pack was known for the best swordsmen amongst their warriors, Orion was named after the legendary hunter for being the best at archery, but the Moon pack was known best for politics and strategies.

This was the reason they had been getting the throne for the past three centuries, and now everyone had even started to believe Moon pack as the undeclared ruler. But as every curse has a blessing in disguise, in the same way every blessing has a curse involved- the Moon pack was known for having only one heir, as their Lunas were blessed to have only one kid, who would be the future ruler! 

But the rumour failed to comply when the current Luna of the pack was blessed with twin Alphas- one boy and one girl.

This made the prophecy even stronger in the minds of the common folk, that the ruler would indeed be from the Moon pack, as their Luna had given birth to two Alphas at the same time.


"Nora Rovery," the gossip started without any delay, "Isn't she supposed to be abroad, with her twin?!"

The girl didn't seem to care about anyone, she just crossed the room quickly and sat down on the last bench. It was quite unusual behaviour for an Alpha to be so quiet and sit on the last bench, away from everyone.

David started to become more curious about the girl; if she was his born enemy, then the game was going to be interesting, knowing that twins usually shared the same behaviour.

He wanted to approach her, when he noticed that the transfer student, Louis, had walked over and sat by her side.

He really didn't like this Alpha of the Dione pack; his pack was the reason behind the rivalry that was prevalent today.

He noticed that quite evidently, Nora was also not interested in talking to him. He stepped up and was going to her seat without thinking further, when his way was blocked by Olivia Nathan, the beta of the Eclipse pack.

He knew that she had been nurturing her childhood fantasy of becoming his Luna once he got the throne, although he had no intention of fulfilling it. It was another matter that he didn't bother to break her bubble, or even care about it enough to acknowledge it!

"What do you want?" He asked, as it was the first time he was annoyed by her presence. 

"You are asking me? Oh my God, David Mathew asked me what I want! Am I dreaming?"

David was really pissed by now and he snapped, "I am asking you this, because I have more important things to do than entertaining you! Now please, get the hell out of my way."

"That's rude!" She screamed back.

"I know." Saying this, he moved ahead but he didn't notice the fact that the bell had rung while he had been talking to Olivia, and Nora had already vanished from her place.

"Where did the girl go?" He mumbled in confusion, when he felt someone had leaned against his shoulder, putting their full body weight on him. He had a fair idea of who this person could be.

"What are you searching for?" Henry asked, smiling as he turned to face him.

Henry was one of the warrior alphas from the eclipse pack, and the best friend of David.

"Peace! And tell me one thing: is it a huge thing to ask for?"

"Trust me, my friend- you don't want peace, you want the whereabouts of the new girl to bully her. Isn't it? Don't worry, I got your back here...she has gone towards the cafeteria."

Henry had assumed the situation from what he knew about David, and told him the details he thought he required for the activities he was usually involved in, but this was the first time the word 'bully' was pinching David. He didn't want to be a bully in front of her; after all, she was his potential enemy and he needed to sound more intimidating to her.

He smirked as he gestured to Henry and spoke over his shoulder, "Let's go." 


Nora was not used to being surrounded by so many people at once; ever since she was old enough to be conscious of her surroundings, the maximum number of people she had encountered was three at a time- her mother, father and the teacher who had been in charge of her education up till now, even the workers were not allowed to be by her side. At the beginning, the only thing she had craved was the feeling of being loved from any of those three people who impacted her life most, but with time, she had also sacrificed that wish of hers.

She was comfortable living within the four boundary walls of the castle, without any rebellion- all she wanted was a word of love from her mother and a word of praise from her father. But somewhere, she also knew that it was not possible in this lifetime, and she really didn't want to add more problems to her life by making outrageous demands.

As soon as the period was over, she got out of the classroom in search of a quiet place where she could find peace by herself for a little while, where no one could find her. But she soon found that even that wish of hers would remain unfulfilled. 

That one boy seemed to follow her like little pups follow someone they know. She quickened her pace to avoid the boy, when she heard his voice call out from behind her.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" 

"In hell! Do you wanna join?" She replied, not able to believe the sharp edge of her own words.

"No, I think I will let it slide this time. Best of luck to you, though!"

Saying this, he waved as he turned and walked away. She took a deep breath and approached the vending machine to get something to drink, when she saw David leaning against the vending machine, waiting for her. 

She never imagined that her words could turn into the truth so fast- whether she had meant it or not, she was indeed in hell now!
