Circus of Royals

David was the least interested in the drama that had been initiated all because the idiot named Louis had finally been successful in making Valerie realise what she had done wrong, by himself; or else, David was this close to making her understand everything very clearly in his own way. And most importantly, he wanted to familiarize her with the process of how to deal with an Alpha! He indeed wanted to give Nora many lessons and bully her in every way possible, but it was only his right to do anything to her. Especially after what had just happened and the way she had left with Robin, it was already enough to bother him, and now, something new had started up again.

The feeling brimming over was of betrayal - he was already mad at her because of her decision to stay in the dorm. How could she do this herself after being a royal?! 

How could she do this to him!

This anger had such a hold on him that he was unable to see anything beyond it, and just wanted to get out and away from everyone. He wanted to leave the place at the earliest, and unfortunately ended up taking the corridor towards the exit, where the actual drama was going on. The moment he stepped out, he was greeted with the sight of the entire crew of the Circus of Royals, which had already gathered there along with the clowns. And he was sure that all of them were there for absolutely no reason, because the matter could be solved in just one action. It only required throwing Valerie out of the dorms along with her luggage, because how dare a low ranker talk to an Alpha like that in the first place! 

Before he could have reached any conclusion on his own, his feet had taken him to the end of the corridor, and he witnessed everything- involving Frederick's announcement that he was going to send Nora abroad for the completion of her schooling, where her brother was already studying. 

David knew that he should feel happy about this news, because it was all that he wanted in the first place : to get Nora out of the school! But the jumbled feelings he was going through at the moment were not even close to happiness, nor were they close to the anxiety of never finding out the truth behind her identity. If she were to stay in the school, then he was surely going to uncover all the secrets that she had been hiding behind that sweet face of hers, in a bid to win the throne; and this possibility would fade if she left within the first week. 

Instead, he was feeling a bunch of emotions that were inching towards sadness, and the worst part of this feeling was that he didn't even know the reason behind it!

Troubled by this turmoil, he ultimately concluded that all this drama being stirred in his own life because of the sudden appearance of this Princess had worn him out from inside, and he needed to take rest in order to recover. He was going to do exactly the same, by leaving this place right at that moment and spending a few days relaxing in his distant mansion that was situated near the mountains! He had decided that he would only return once this drama had come to an end, and everything had finally settled down.

David swiftly turned on his heel and started to walk in the opposite direction to where he had initially been headed, while switching off his phone. The last thing he wanted during his self- designated period of relaxation was an update from Henry, about any aspect of this unnecessary charade.


Nora had surely been feeling like she had won the most precious thing to ever be discovered and owned by anyone, after her father had hugged her. In fact, he was still holding her close to himself, like she was someone very important to him. Not only this, but he was openly and proudly proclaiming the fact that she was his daughter, and that he was ready to do anything for her. This was way more than she had ever expected, and was making her feel like she was on cloud nine!

But the moment he said that in order to save his precious daughter from these petty problems, he was ready to make her drop out of the school, she was sure that her heart had definitely missed a beat. 

She was frozen in place, not knowing what she was supposed to do to stop this announcement by her father. Because ultimately, no matter how much she was enjoying this sudden attention being lavished on her by her father, she did not want to lose this freedom of hers at any cost. However, there was another truth that she had come to realise by now, that no matter what she wanted and what was going to happen next in her life, she had no say in any of it. She could not do anything, because she wasn't capable of uttering a single syllable in front of her father!

There she was, standing rooted to her spot, in hopes that somehow, something magical would happen in her life and she might not have to lose out on this freedom of hers… but what could possibly save her? 

This was when she heard Ryan's voice;

"There is one other way to solve this problem!"


"What do you mean?" 

It was principal Mark who had raised a counter question on Ryan's proposition before anyone could hazard their own guesses about why he was even meddling in this situation and how he planned to solve the matter that was not just a question of providing residence, but was a clash of prestige and representative of the power dynamics between neighbouring packs. 

Apart from a few people, everyone present there was getting to see a completely new side of Ryan, which was very different from the one they were familiar with. It was confusing, to say the least- rather, it was quite shocking as well! 

An old saying proclaims that a dog's tail can never be straightened, and even if you are seeing a straightened tail of a dog, then there must be a time period for which the dog can hold it in that position, before the tail eventually curls up again. 

However, the matter going on here was about and amongst werewolves, not dogs. The members of the werewolf kind are famous for their stubbornness and rudeness, and once they are born with this certain feature, there is no way to turn it back. And yet, somehow, everyone present there was witnessing something very different from this expected stubbornness. Not only was Ryan ready to change his attitude because of Nora, but he was acting completely opposite to his nature, in front of her.

However, this was not the appropriate time to raise this point or ask anything; so everybody present there had kept their lips sealed, apart from the one question that had already been fired in the air by the principal. And once again, Ryan had given a reply without wasting a single minute, deepening everyone's shock further. The words seemed to jump out of his mouth;

"I mean, there is one other way in which Nora doesn't have to leave the school and everyone can also live peacefully here -"

"But how!?"

It was Frederick who had asked this question, which had apparently interrupted Ryan; but actually, he had spoken at the perfect time according to their plan. He glanced at Ryan and asked the question while raising his eyebrows, showing everyone that he was just as curious as anyone else. 

This action really made Ryan think that if Frederick had not been born into the role of an Alpha, he would definitely have made it as a legendary actor, as he had great acting skills along with the characteristics of one! 

A smile unconsciously flickered on Ryan's face the moment he saw Fredrick's gesture, and he knew that it was time to act along with him. He quickly wiped off the lingering remnants of that smile from his face, and spoke;

"I am really glad that you are willing to hear my plan! Because now, I know that once you hear my proposal, you are going to agree to it -"

"But are you going to tell us what your proposal really is, and today itself! Or do we have to wait till the next lunar period to know the secret?"

It was Robin who had let go of his self control after keeping his snarky temper in check for so long. Not only was he getting bothered by him and his secrets, but the fear of Nora going back to her home was also drowning him in a pond of pain! Whether or not she had told anybody else, he had sensed enough to be familiar with the fact that she was not happy in her home. At the same time, he also knew that neither did she have the courage to disobey her father, nor had he gotten the chance to hand her the mobile phone he had just bought for her. Moreover, he had not even been able to ask her how she would contact him if they were not in front of each other, and now, he was seeing any appropriate opportunity to ask her, if she was made to return right now. This thought made him so uneasy in his own skin, that he took two steps forward and spoke after he saw Ryan taking too much time in revealing the option to stop Nora.

"I will, if you let me!" 
