
While Robin was thanking the stars for saving both of them from each other, he noticed David's aggression kicking in.

There is no one apart from your siblings, who knows you from the very core of your identity. As such, Robin was aware that David had a very unusual habit of getting annoyed after remembering something that had not happened according to his preferences in the past.

And whenever this annoyance kicked in, he always tended to leap into the zone of aggression. Under the influence of this aggression, his identity tended to manifest as a confluence of wolf and human; and the cue that betrayed his mental state was him placing his left leg behind his right leg and rubbing the surface with his left foot twice, before attacking his target.

Right now, he saw the same action being performed by his brother, and was about to jump into the Arena without thinking anything.

This was when he stumbled into Athena, an Alpha from the warriors of Eclipse pack, who had always been a good friend to David and often made claims about being his mate without him knowing about it.

He had a feeling of dislike towards her that emanated from the core of his heart, and as a result, he had never bothered to grace her with a single word till date. He was planning to continue the same behaviour, when he noticed that she has moved past him, after murmuring her apology.

"I am so sorry Prince Robin, I never intended to barge into you, it's just that I am in a little hurry, hence I request your forgiveness."

He paid no mind to this action of hers and was just about to move forward, but then he noticed that she was not alone. Rather, she was approaching Nora, with a bunch of girls following her.


Louis' POV:

I had sensed that David had not only devoted himself to fencing, but he was a born fencer as well, blessed with the magical powers of being an excellent blindfolded fencer.

But at the same time, I had come to yet another realisation: even though he was a great fencer and had mastered almost all the skills, he still lacked one thing.

And that was, understanding his opponent. He played like no one else knew fencing, and attacked like he was the only fencer born in this world.

This was a very great move which we could easily take advantage of, and while instructing Nora later, I just needed to keep this fact in mind.

After all, I knew that she was born blessed as well, and all we needed to do was to polish her skills.

This was the only reason I had even accepted the invitation to this fight, as this is going to be a master stroke for acquiring the information against Nora's future competitors.

And thank the Moon Goddess! So far, my cheerful personality has successfully acted as a shield for my actual hidden weapon- my sharp mind. And with the help of this, I was going to achieve all that I wanted, very soon.


While Louis was plotting the future plan in his mind, David was getting increasingly agitated.

Meanwhile, Louis leapt to the opposite side and launched an unexpected attack, forcing David to take a step to the side before he could use his sword to block Louis' sword. David's blade wavered slightly under the force of Louis' attack, and this acted as fuel to the fire already burning inside his mind.

This exchange student was not supposed to last in front of him for this long, in the first place!

Anger started to pump through his veins like molten lava, and he didn't think once before attacking Louis.

His sword grazed Louis' left shoulder, cutting through the flesh in his upper arm and drawing blood.

At that very instant, a sharp whistle went off, indicating the end of the fight as there was supposed to no bloodshed at all.


"Oh, so finally we have the opportunity to see the divine princess!"

A girl who was with Athena spoke, putting her left hand on her lips and pretending to laugh elegantly.

"Be careful, Lily! Even though she is from the Moon pack and is destined to taste defeat at the hands of David, we can't call her out like this."

Athena spoke, shushing the girl and checking Nora from top to bottom, like she was some object of observation put in a museum, categorized as an over-expensive antics, but all she could she was just a layer of dust and rust put on it.

But aren't the rumor was, " the princess of Moon pack has blinding beauty, I think can't even compare to your beauty -

" Exactly! She can't because technically, a beauty of princess is never compared to a bunch of trash cans like you all and now before I myself through you all out of this Vip section, I suggest your legs and walk out."

Robin interrupted the girl in the middle of her sentence , seeing that Nora was still quiet and looking completely uncomfortable.

Hence he decided to intervene, cursing her in his mind, knowing she has a library in her mind when she has to talk in front of the people she likes, but when it comes to people she doesn't know or not like apart from David, she doesn't know how to say a single word.

But while he was conveying this message to Nora through his sharp friendly gaze, he heard Athena hissing back;

" I am also an Alpha and you can't ask me to leave the Vip zone -"

"Till there is no Royal present, but do I need to remind you that not only one , but two Royals are present here ! And if you have forgotten then let me remind, not only Nora but I am also a royal -"


The remaining words were left unsaid when he saw Nora jumping from her seat, screaming Louis' name and turned to see Louis' left arm getting injured by David's sword.

Reminding him once again, Nora has made him change his plan and the delayed action of his has called a disaster, when he heard the whistle.
