Dance floor

Robin was indeed guilty of multiple actions in the past, but the fact that he was feeling guilty for taking a decision which he thought was right for everyone, was something new.

Because in his life, if there was one thing he was sure of, then it was the bond that he had made with himself- that of never feeling bad about any decision he made during his lifetime. 

And he had honoured this pact since the day he had decided to leave his house and live in the dorms.

But today, he was guilty- and he was ready to accept it, too. But before he had the time to speak, they heard a commotion as everyone started chanting. 

"Dance! Dance! Dance!!" 

"Indeed, it's time for the dance."

And Henry who was incharge of the mike today, announced;

"So according to the audience's demands, I would like to request our Royals to initiate the dance by choosing their partners. With that, girls, go grab your chance; and boys, this might just be your first and last chance to dance with our one and only lovely Princess before her birthday."

Saying this, he sealed his lips- knowing that now, the girls were going to create a ruckus while the boys would be maintaining a little distance from her, fearing that they might offend any of the Royals as the inclination of the dynamics between the Royals regarding her was not clear to everyone yet.

And it was all that he wanted, so that his friend would get what he wanted- to expose Nora in front of everyone.

But while the thought of Nora being the younger sibling and a Beta was not going hand in hand in his mind, he saw all of them standing up from their seats as Louis turned towards her.

The chant of "it can't be happening" started to echo inside his mind, when he noticed Athena standing in front of Louis. A pang of jealousy and anger appeared in his mind when he saw her stretching her hand towards him, and asking for the dance.

But he was ready to let it slide for the sake of the happiness of his best friend; after all today was going to be a great day for him, since not only Nora but Ryan was also going to be exposed. This is when he noticed that both David and Ryan approached her, while Robin took a sideline as usual, and remained seated in the corner.


Two hands appeared in front of Nora, while two distinct voices hit her eardrums;

"Nora! May I have the pleasure to dance with you, please?"

"So Princess, would you like to Dance with me before the biggest surprise of today's party?"

Meanwhile, she was trying to decipher whether she was dreaming or if those two were really standing in front of her, asking her for the dance.

Because the chances of her having a crush on Ryan were becoming clearer day by day to her, but it never implied that this crush should have the chance to be reciprocated from his end, too.

And on the other hand, she could never believe that David would ever bother to ask her to dance with him. And even if he did, why would she be willing to dance with him? 

And with this thought, she quickly slid her left hand in Ryan's hand, and took a step forward.


The whole plan before exposing Nora's true identity was to confirm the start of the allergic reaction on Nora's body; and for that, David had already asked Henry to find a way. As expected, he had come up with the idea of feeding the students with the thought of a Royal dance on public demand.

All so that David could get a closer look at the manifestation of the reaction, ultimately screaming his lungs out in concern and creating a scene before anyone could call the council there.

But the moment he moved in Nora's direction after the announcement, he completely forgot to check whether her allergies had appeared. Not only this, but the moment she placed her hand in Ryan's hand, anger started fuming inside his heart.

The news about Ryan keeping an eye on her and trying to manipulate her somehow, with the help of Adrin- had reached him earlier that day. He had sidelined it then, conveniently thinking that it was not his business- but somehow, it had started to become his business, completely!

In a bout of anger, he reached out and held one amongst the plenty of hands that were gathered around him with the hope of seeing him closely and being graced by the opportunity of dancing with him, and headed towards the dance floor.


The dance started out with slow music, presenting a mystical aura to everyone observing it from a distance.

But the tense atmosphere on the dance floor was definitely apparent to all the four Royals and their partners. Somehow, seeing Nora step on the dance floor with Ryan, Robin has also decided to join the dance floor.

To his credit, he knew that after the first song, the partners would be interchanged and then he could make some excuse to take her out of the party.

Ryan was indeed dancing while pasting a big beautiful smile on his face, but the fact that he couldn't spot even a single red patch on her body was making him feel quite betrayed. Rather, he was feeling some degree of disbelief towards his own eyes, after all, he had concrete proof of her being allergic to Alpha pudding and chances of her being a Beta.

Then how was it possible?

This thought was making him mad at the source of information, while erasing the difference between her and the informer, and he ended up tightening his grip around her wrist and waist to the point where lines of pain were visible on her face.

And while Louis and Robin were infuriated by this act of his and were thinking of a way out the moment the song ended, they noticed David, twirling his partner away in the middle of the song and grabbing Nora towards him by pulling her by her shoulders.
