
The anger that was rushing with David's blood was completely visible through his pumping veins and the twitching muscles of his face.

But once again, he was clueless as to why he was feeling so angry in the first place! No matter how many times he was summarizing all the excuses he was making up for the reason of his anger, he wasn't even able to convince himself of their validity. 

Hence he decided to erase this anger of his from the root, and for that, he knew what he was supposed to do and where he was supposed to go, if he wanted to find the person who was the sole reason for all this drama.


After Louis and Robin left her at her palace… and even while they were trying to cheer her up the whole ride back, the trauma that had made its way to Nora's mind was not showing any signs of leaving the space it had occupied, free of cost, inside her memories.

It was not like she hadn't gone through any kind of pain, ever.

But in reality, it was quite the opposite- and she was almost habitual to pain. Perhaps, this was also one of the reasons that she didn't even realise when Ryan's grip had started to become too tight to be comfortable, in the beginning. 

Nor had she bothered to utter a single word after feeling the pain that had touched the core of her soul, and caused shudders down her spine.

And this was the fact that was confusing her the most; because not only did she notice that David had broken the rules for the dance and snatched her away from Ryan, but she had felt his fingers trying to caress the scars on her wrist somewhat, as if they badly wanted to apply ointment there while fearing about they might hurt her at the same time.

This memory ended up highlighting it as the real question in her mind, because she was not sure anymore about what was hurting and shocking her more: the realisation of Ryan not being the perfect person she had imagined him to be, or the mystery of how David had been able to guess the pain she was going through? 

Regardless of how much pain she had endured or who the provider of the pain was, there was one thing she had learnt. There was one thing she was perfectly sure and aware about, and that was, she knew how to seal her lips.

But what she was unaware about was that even though she might have learnt to seal her mouth and forbidden any possible screams from leaving its place of origin, her eyes spoke.

They spoke a lot.

And there was one more thing which not only Nora, but David himself was also unaware of: while her eyes did speak a lot, he had started to understand the language they spoke.

When she had understood that she was not going to find any answers right now, she thought about going and taking a shower.

It had not been more than two minutes since she had stepped out of the shower, when she heard someone's voice as someone was calling her from outside the room. 

"Princess Nora! Princess Nora! Can you hear me? I am here with a message."

Shr quickly stepped out to see who this person was, forgetting to dry her wet hair.

The moment she reached the doorway, she saw two Betas from Moon pack, whom she instantly recognized because of the uniform they were wearing, sporting the badge of the pack at the chest. And before she could ask any questions, one of them spoke up;

"Princess, Miss Romera has asked for your presence in her house, we are here to guide you there."

If it would have been any other day, she would gladly have accepted this offer of their company and moved ahead with them, asking about their life and collecting the information about how normal life really looked like.

But today, neither was she in the mood to talk to anyone, nor was she in the state to leave for Romera's house right away. So she dismissed them, saying;

"Okay! Message received, please convey my message to her, that I will be arriving there in fifteen minutes. And you two can leave now, as I know the way and will go on my own."

"As you command, Princess!"

Two voices spoke in unison, and they left after bowing and offering the royal greeting.


Ryan wanted to burn the whole dorm down, or if not, then break this entire place down completely! 

While it was definitely not the first time that his plan had been ruined, it was indeed the first time he had seen that look in David's eyes.

The look that practically screamed out that he hadn't expected something that he had done, from him…something that made him look like a worm in his eyes.

But why should he care… why should he give a single damn about what he thought about him and what not, when he had never cared about him? 

They used to be friends… they had been friends since childhood, and what he had gained from this friendship? Nothing! Completely nothing. And he had almost come to peace with that, because friendship was not something bound with a compulsion of fulfilling all the desires of each friend, according to him.

But today… today it was more than a sense of betrayal in their friendship, it was humiliation.

And he needed to find out why David had done all of this, when he was so close… this close to getting everything in his own hands… why had he not served the real Alpha pudding at the party? 

Why had he saved her?! 

And if he had saved her because there was a single inch of care and concern for Nora in his heart, then it is going to be interesting.

After all, he was finally going to get a taste of his own remedy after all these years! 

Thinking this, Ryan spoke out loud, throwing the last set of skincare products placed on the table in front of the mirror;

"And I am going make sure of it -" 

"You are going to make sure of what? To get this mess cleaned up?"
