
After everyone had left, Valerie looked at Myron and gestured for him to sit on the concrete bench that had been built there for some purpose only school administration was aware of.

Myron sat on the bench without any delay or any questions; and only moments later, he noticed that she also sat by his side and started looking at his face.

The blood started rushing to his face like a free stream, causing his face to give a worthy competition to a tomato.

"What happened? Are you okay?" 

Valerie asked, getting concerned for him, when he finally managed to utter the first words of the century from his mouth that had opened and closed at least a hundred times since his arrival. 


"Hmm ? Are you okay or not? Say yes or no?"

She asked once again, while looking at him and examining his body once again and making sure that he hadn't gotten any bruises or major injuries because of her stupidity.

Thankfully, it wasn't long before Myron spoke once again, with a slight stutter;


"Okay! Then tell me?" 

"Wha… wha-what ?" 

"Whatever you want to say, and because of which you have made the entire crew do enormous work and find this place."

"What do you mean?"

At long last, Myron's voice was back to his normal tone and his heartbeat had started to return to its original pace.

"I mean, there must be a great reason why Prince Louis asked me to meet him out here, and Princess Nora and Prince Robin are present at the same time, in the same place as well.

Although, I know Princess Nora is biased for you and Prince Louis is biased for her… but about Alpha Robin- there must be something important for which he had also arrived here, so tell me!"

Myron had always considered Valerie to be an intelligent Beta, but she was much more intelligent than he had initially imagined.

But the real problem here was that this intelligent statement of hers has rendered him completely speechless, and he didn't even know what he was supposed to say next.

Seeing this, Nora was about to jump back into the backyard: to help them communicate better and more smoothly! 

But at the crucial moment, Robin held her wrist and pulled her back, saying;

"Louis, I am leaving those two to you. Make sure they don't get expelled from the school for sitting in the forbidden corner of the school premises, and I am taking this creator of chaos with me."

Saying this, he dragged her with him, without letting her say anything or even waiting for Louis' reply, knowing the delay of a single second could cost them a great penalty.

He only paused after they had come to a place far enough and completely opposite to where they previously were, and finally broke the silence. 

"Spill! What happened to you, and where did you vanish to, after leaving the Principal's chambers?"


She answered, trying to hide the full extent of reality from Robin, thinking that it might become the reason for another feud between the brothers.


"What do you mean by and?" 

"And where were you after the library?" 

He demanded, pulling both her shoulders towards himself and looking directly into her emerald green eyes.

"Nora, don't… Don't try to lie to me.

I don't know why… I don't know how, but I can tell when you are lying to me. But the thing is I still believe in you! I want to believe in you…your truths, your lies, everything…

So please, just don't lie to me."

The sentence made Nora's heart skip a beat out of an unknown fear that was completely new to her.

She wasn't sure what had just happened to her, or what she had just encountered in Robin's eyes; all she knew was that this feeling was intense, and it was making her a little uneasy.

It was not like she hasn't encountered this type of scenario before- rather, she had encountered almost the same scenario with three different Alphas! 

David, Ryan and Robin, when they all were looking directly in her eyes and saying something.

While David's action had always made her forget everything else and escalated the anger in her heart, the same action from Ryan had made her feel the care he had always wanted to show her, and the intensity with which he was trying and with which she wanted to feel it, too.

And as for Robin's…nothing has ever scared her to this extent before, then why was she scared now?

She was lost in her thoughts when she heard his voice once again;

"Nora, say… say something." 

"Wh… what?"

"Where were you ? Is there something bothering you -"

"Princess Nora! Alpha Robin, you guys are here! Actually, Romera wanted me to bring Nora to the sports room and give her the amenities she will be needing for the upcoming events."

Adrin's voice meddled with Robin's voice, giving Nora a chance to flee from the situation.

"Oh, Adrin! 

Let's go, I am sorry Robin- will definitely join you for lunch. Bye! Take care…"

Saying this, she stepped forward and started walking in step with Adrin.

After covering a good distance and confirming that Robin was not following them anymore, she turned towards Adrin and spoke;

"Thank you!" 

"Anytime, Princess! After all, the day you joined the school, I told you that you can always look for me, if you need any help."

"Yeah! Thanks again -"

"Please don't mention it! And is there anything I can help you with?"

Adrin interrupted her in between and placed another question.

"Yes! How did you know that I was in need of help?"

"By your expressions! I am quite great at reading one's expressions, and disguising my real expressions as well."

"Really! That's so cool.

Anyways, that's not the complete answer to my question. I wanted to ask you how you came to know where I was, because Romera had already briefed me that the amenities will be delivered to my palace!"

"Umm… actually, you have Alpha Ryan to thank for that, then.

He's the one who is looking for you, and he had asked me to bring you to a specific place, but trust me, helping you was completely my wish-"

"I know!"

Saying this, she gave him a smile and asked, 

"Where is Ryan?" 

"Waiting for you, over there in the playground."
