Chapter 1


I swayed my waist amazingly to the sound of the music. He kept grinning at me and rubbing his d==k stupidly.

I played on, though it was irritating. He was too old.

"Remove the towel already. I want to see you." He said with a Spanish accent.

I move my fingers out swaying it, telling him no. I dance to where he laid on the bed and climbed the bed biting my lower lip.

"Come to my b**ch." He said happily. I smiled and started tracing my finger over his naked pot belly.

I moved it down to his d**k and grabbed it pleasurably. I heard him groan and I saw him close his eyes.

I walked to my bag and brought out a cloth from it. I danced back to where he was sexually.

"You want to punish me hun? I love punishments." He said licking his lips annoyingly.

I tied his eyes with the clothes making sure he wasn't seeing anything. Then I walked back to my bag to get the rope.

I sat on his bulge and started rubbing my crotch on it. I took his hands and tied them with the rope to the bed stand.

I then stood up from him and allowed my towel slip off my body.

"I can't wait." He said giggling like the fool he was.

I took one of the guns I attached to my body, precisely from my right leg. I sat on him again, I took the pillow and all he did was chuckle.

Immediately, I placed the pillow over his head. He was struggling so hard but he couldn't do anything, I tied his hands pretty well.

"Goodbye cruz, I hope you enjoyed the drama." I whispered in his ears before blowing his head off with my silent gun.

The blood from his head stained the white bed sheet immediately, but I didn't careless.

I got off him bravely and walked up to the bathroom wearing what I wore in. I dressed myself well that no one will suspect me.

I left all my guns under the gown, it was visible

I walked out of the bathroom carrying my bag, I covered the dead man with the duvet and walked to the door.

I opened it and I met the bodyguards at his door.

"He doesn't want any disturbance." I said smiling while they nodded.

I walked out of the motel majestically.

"Done!" I said pressing the secret microphone in my ear.

"Good of you, I have another job for you. I need you at the factory now."

"Right away." I said switching off the microphone.


I am Scarlet Anderson. I am 22 years old, I live with my granddad in Spain. I was told that some bad guys killed my family right after I was born.

My granddad rescued me from them and brought me up till I was 18, when some bad guys also killed him and his wife.

My granddad in my last breath told me to flee to California to a man who will teach me to become a assassin.

I escaped and ran to California where I met my grandfather's friend Pa Faramond. He accepted me after telling him what happened and he promised to teach me how to kill.

He taught me how to use guns quite well and also taught me to fight without weapons.

Now I am one of the best killer or should I say assassin among his 20 students.


I drove very fast to the factory and packed inside the compound storming in.

"Scarlet." ossia called waving at me.

"Hey love." I replied hugging her.

"How was it?" She asked winking.

"Simple." I replied walking inside the factory.

Ossia is one of my best in the factory, she is good but not so good as I am.

I knocked on Pa Faramond's door.

"Come in." He replied with his thick voice. I went in and met Nathaniel with him.

"Hi." He said smiling.

"Hi." I replied smiling.

"You did a great Job Scarlet. Here is the next target." Pa Faramond said pushing a picture to him.

"George Rodriguez, a bad a== in the community. He is based on drugs, and I need him terminated within 72 hours." He said.

"Okay Sir, I will start my research now." I said nodding.

"Nathaniel here will be your partner, he has all the needed information. So Nathaniel explain to her in details."

"Yes sir." He said.

"You can leave." He said and we both marched out of the office.

"Finally we are partners." Nathaniel said behind me.

"Yes." I replied coldly.

"George Rodriguez lives on the island and he is surrounded with more than 90 bodyguards." He rapped.

"That shouldn't be a big deal." I replied walking into my room.

"We need to draw out a plan." He said following me in.

"Okay we will. Please can you leave now? I want to rest." I said looking at him for the first time since he started talking.

"Scarlet why do you hate me so much?" He asked sadly.

"Nathaniel don't make this hard, just leave." I said pushing him out and locking the door behind him.

I know Nathaniel loves me and I love him too, but Uncle Faramond warned that I shouldn't let feelings get the best of me. Especially when it comes to killing.

I need to give him some space, though it hurts to see him hurting, there is nothing I can do about it.

Strictly business