Chapter 10


I opened my eyes slowly staring blankly at the ceiling. I tried recalling where I was but I was short of ideas.

I turned my head to the side slowly and i saw a drip attached to my hand. I first looked at it in bewilderment before remembering I was shot down by Faramond

"Baby." I mumbled as I eyes widened.

"Scarlet!!!!!!" I yelled and I felt a sharp pain in my tummy. I looked at it and I saw I was bandage and I could still see stains of blood on it.

"Scarlet!!" I called again in fear and the door opened revealing a nurse and behind her was the love of my life carrying a nylon in her hand.

She ran to my fearfully and knelt down beside me holding my hand.

"I am here baby." She said smiling at me.

"I thought I lost you Scarlet." I said tearily and she hugged me tight.

"I will always be here." She mumbled in tears.

"I will excuse you guys." The nurse said moving out of the ward.

"How did you do it?" I asked looking at her.

"It doesn't matter anymore Pa Faramond. All I know is that, we are free from Uncle Faramond." She said pecking my lips.

"You killed him right." I said grinning.

"Yes I did. Can't just watch him get away after shooting you." She said smiling.

"How is your leg?" I asked sitting up and looking at her.

"Fine, it didn't take 2 days." She said stamping my feet on the floor.

"2 days? How many days did I go unconscious?" I asked.

"A week." She said and my mouth dropped in awe.

"A week? Where are we?" I asked looking outside the window.

"Canada." She said grinning.

"Canada? How and when did we get here?" I asked in shock.

"Don't stress yourself about that. All I want now is to get married to you and start a life I have always wanted." She said kissing me.

"I love you." I mumbled on her lips.

"I love you more." She said hugging me tight.

"Ouch." I said as I felt pain in my tummy as she did.

"Oops, sorry." She said giggling.

" So what about others? And the factory" I asked

" They're fine. As for the factory is now an association Scarthaniel where we training assassin. I will give you the full details when you recover." She said smiling.



Nathaniel went out to jog for his morning exercise. He only jogged in the neighborhood so he won't be jogging away from the house.

Scarlet and him have been living together for many days now. With the thought of her being in his house, Nathaniel felt protective of her than ever.

Nathaniel already jogged for an hour and it was then that he decided that he should go back home for him to be with Scarlet and to watch over her- to check if she is doing fine,

Nathaniel started walking back home. Before he left, Scarlet was sleeping in the bedroom so he had gotten this opportunity to exercise before suggesting her that they would eat breakfast outside.

Nathaniel already arrived in the front of his house he input the password of the house then entered, closing the door shut once more.

He the decided to check on Scarlet when he saw that it was already 8Am on the clock. He walked up to the stairs to make way to the bedroom where Scarlet was sleeping.

Scarlet slept on the same bed with Nathaniel last night and with the thought of the girl he loves staying at his house, sleeping on his bed and waiting for him, a sweet smile crept on Nathaniel's face as he continued thinking of her.

He remembered the promise he had made to himself. He promised that he would never leave Scarlet side or let anyone harm her and make her his, and now that she has finally accepted his love, it's time to let her know how it feels to be loved.

With the thought in mind, it actually made him feel a little bit nervous.

Sighing, Nathaniel shook his head to snap him out of his thoughts. He then removed his shirt then he used it to wipe his sweat during his jog. The moment he opened the door of the bedroom, Nathaniel's body immediately stiffened to see what was in front of him.

Scarlet was seen only in her underwear. Her underwear was bra and panties were in nude colors, and her hair was damp, indicating that she had just taken a bath. She was putting lotion on her legs when the door opened, slightly surprising her but she did not act violently.

Nathaniel blinked his eyes a few times. Because of what was in front of him, he had dropped his shirt that was on his hand, making him conscious Ashe realized that his torso was bare in front of Scarlet.



Nathaniel stammered and was snapped out of his thoughts. Seeing this reaction, Scarlet could not help but teasingly smile at him as she put her leg down from the bed, already standing straight as she deliberately crossed her arms in front of her chest to emphasize her breasts.

Seeing this, Nathaniel gulped. The soft flush of red on her skin indicated that she had a hot shower, making her look that way. He averted his gaze away from her when he noticed that his eyes started to wander towards Scarlet's breasts, the woman laughing as she cocked her head to the side.

"What's wrong, baby? Do you like what you're seeing?"

Nathaniel furrowed his brows, noticing that Scarlet was intentionally teasing him.

"Scarlet... I don't know that you were awake," he mumbled, but it was enough for her to hear. "Hurry and dress up. Let's have breakfast outside after I shower," he said in a rush as he made his way towards the shower.


However, Nathaniel was suddenly stopped in his tracks when suddenly, Scarlet wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her breasts against his body. Nathaniel's body stiffened as he felt his "little brother" wake up he felt the soft mounds pressing against him.

"We're gonna have breakfast outside?" Scarlet feigned ignorance as she continued teasing Nathaniel as if acting innocently. " Are we in a rush to have breakfast?"


Nathaniel's voice sounded sultry, turning Scarlet on. She then started trailing her fingers on his abs, stopping on his chiseled chest as Scarlet's eyes locked with his. She cocked her head to the side, acting like a child as she changed her voice into a higher pitch in an attempt to tease Nathaniel.

"Can you give Scarlet a little something like... pre-breakfast before having the main one, hmmm?"


Nathaniel inhaled sharply when he felt Scarlet's right hand starting to play with his "little brother". She moved her hands up and down slowly, Nathaniel, tipping his head up as he felt himself stiffening under Scarlet's soft hands.

Scarlet bit her lip as she watched Nathaniel satisfied. With the bed right beside them, Scarlet pushed Nathaniel with all her might, making him fall on the bed on his back, Scarlet straddling on him.

"Scarlet what are you-"


Scarlet put her index finger on Nathaniel's lips, shushing him in an instant. She bent down, making her damp hair fall over her shoulders, the tips touching Nathaniel's face. She then traced her fingers on his bottom lip, making Scarlet bend further down to put head forehead against his.

"I want to get a taste of you, Nathaniel,"

Nathaniel now found Scarlet irresistible-insatiable. His heart started to race in his chest as he felt his blood rushing in his veins.

Scarlet softly planted her lips on Nathaniel's. She had to admit that even though she is this shameless and naughty, her heart started beating erratically as well as she actually not had much sexual experiences even with her past behaviors where she acted as a bitch.

As their kiss went on, Nathaniel has the confidence to retaliate. He licked Scarlet's bottom lip as he put both of his hands on her bare waist, slightly surprising Scarlet with his sudden action. When Scarlet gasped, Nathaniel invaded her mouth with his tongue, Scarlet turned on as she allowed his tongue to do so.

Scarlet twirled her tongue around Nathaniel's as well, both of them kissing each other passionately. Scarlet held Nathaniel's shoulder to support her weight and Nathaniel's right hand then started travelling up as he cupped one of Scarlet's mounds, making her moan against Nathaniel's lips.


Hearing Scarlet moan was a turn on for Nathaniel. He then slightly put her bra down, making him flicker his figures on her nipples.


Scarlet tipped her head up in pleasure, stopping their passionate kiss. With her doing so, Nathaniel's lips wandered on her mound as he let his tongue explore and tease her nipples.

"W-wait, Nathaniel…..ah!!!"

Nathaniel did not listen. He continued letting his tongue explore as Scarlet ran her hand through his hair, her body trembling in pleasure as she felt his other hand cupping her other breast. He started squishing her breast, teasing her nipple in between his fingers while his mouth continued to pleasure the other.


Scarlet felt her legs weaken. She sat on Nathaniel and when she did, she inhaled sharply as she felt his hardened shaft rubbing against her entrance. Scarlet bit her lip as she felt excited and scared at the same time, not having this experience with someone ever

Nathaniel's eyes landed on Scarlet's pleasured face. She had her eyes closed and she was biting her bottom lip as if to stop herself from moaning.

Nathaniel then lifted his head up as he spoke getting Scarlet's attention with how sultry his voice sounded, his wanting evident in his voice.

"You were the one who teased me and now that I am reciprocating your actions, you shy away like a little kitten, hmm?"

Scarlet blushed, his comment hitting bull's eye. Her face was flushed red in pleasure as her breath slightly hitched with the pleasurable sensation she felt with his hand still groping her breast and his shaft still hard underneath her.

" N-Nathaniel….. I'm sorry, i-ah!!!"

Nathaniel started sucking her breast once more his other hand that was cupping her breast then went down as it slid inside her underwear, teasing Scarlet as he rubbed his finger in her entrance. His other member twitched below her when he felt how wet Scarlet is.

Scarlet felt her whole body getting hotter than it was a while ago. Even though she had taken a bath, she felt hotter than usual. With them getting more touchy than usual, Scarlet felt nervous and scared like an innocent girl.

Surprised, Nathaniel widened his eyes as he did not expect Scarlet to push him strongly to give some space between them. When he saw Scarlet's best red face, Nathaniel blinked his eyes a few times, shocked to see her look and act this way.

"Scarlet…. What's-"

"W-we'll do it another time, alright?" Scarlet then stood up, getting the dress that she had prepared on the bed. "I'll dress up quickly then we go eat breakfast outside."

With her disappearing from the room quickly, Nathaniel slowly sat up as he still couldn't process what just happened. He thought that he was going to get it on with Scarlet with how she was acting. He had to admit that even he couldn't resist Scarlet because of how beautiful she was and how she reacted!

A chuckle sounded from Nathaniel as he ran his hand through his hair, finding Scarlet's reaction cute. Even though she intentionally teasing him, it turned out that Scarlet was shy after all! He then wondered when he could have this moment with Scarlet and at the same time….

He wondered how he could deal and satisfy his "little brother" with Scarlet unintentionally giving him blue balls.