Chapter 6 - There was no Turning Back

Jackson was driving down the road with his backpack & duffle bag a pair of scissors resting in one of the loops of the waistband for belts, reflecting on what he had left behind & for his new life leaving everything behind & giving up his normal life, he wondered what his parents would feel when they came back from work & see that congress letter of him killing Ricky & his friends will they hate him? Probably or feel like they failed him? Probably it didn't matter, he did what he had to do. He still remembers that day he had seen it happen he tried to stop them from hurting Jimmy but he was knocked unconscious by Rebecca & Steve. He saw Jimmy being carried away in an ambulance as he crumbled the file of the movie Jimmy had told him he wanted to watch, they had said that it was going to be premiering the day he failed to protect him. Why didn't he tell Ben or the others what happened? Simple because that day something inside him snapped at how Ricky & his friends had used Jimmy, the poor innocent shy Weasel. He knew Ben & the others would stop him from making them pay. He chose to stain his hands, rather than go to the police; his mind went back to the night he put on the mask.

That night he had gotten home, he had taken a shower & ate, his parents usually work very late & they won't be coming home for a while. He had gone to his room & changed what he was planning to do that night, the night that will forever change him. He remembered looking in the mirror wearing his purple & black varsity jacket, with the letters R & S, a gray shirt, and lose jeans, before looking down at the white mask he had purchased with tiny cracks. It was a plain white mask with holes for the nostrils & eye sockets with a black string. Jackson put on the mask he then looked at the mirror admiring how intimidating he looked, he had gotten the idea of the costume after watching 'Slaughter High' of course it was completely different, now that he thinks of it this whole shit was like that movie but different. As for the weapon, a pair of scissors for quick stabs & cutting, he could go slashes but hey it's scissors cutting sounds more fun.

Back to where he was driving away & leaving everything behind in High Dreams city, he reflected one more final time, on his parents, the friends he made & his dreams never looking back, there was no turning back knowing that from the start he felt a sense of joy when he killed. That didn't worry him as he was now like others like him a maniac, murderer, a killer. He will find his way around & survive on his own, even if he has to kill or steal, a man on the run that's how his life will be until he finally settles in somewhere where nobody will recognize him, he might even change his name to Jackie or come up with something else. But there was one thing that Jackson Larson will remember that night, he had left his legacy his mark as a killer as others had no longer been sane but insane and grasped the thrill that turned into madness by killing. He knew deep down that he enjoy killing Ricky & his friends, a necessary lesser evil & the day he dies or someone else puts him down he will know he will go to hell but it was for the better for him at least, he would live knowing what he did with the only regret is leaving everything behind after all once someone kills there is no going back to a normal life.