Conflict (2)

"What?" Jennifer's mouth fell open upon hearing she could be thrown into the dungeon. Her sweat turned cold as the stories of Edgar's dungeon came rushing back to her. Alessandra was being unnecessary by ordering this."This is uncalled for." 

Jennifer surprised herself after she slapped Alessandra and wanted to apologize, but Alessandra did not give her the chance to. A slap to Jennifer's face would have made things equal but Alessandra wanted to go the extra mile to make herself feel better in Jennifer's opinion. 

"You have ignored my orders and slapped me in my own home. I have every right to see to it you face the consequences. I will not have you punished, but I think I night or two in there would help you clear your mind. You should learn to control your emotions and keep your hands to yourself next time. Alfred," Alessandra called to the butler for him to start taking Jennifer away.