Chapter 3 My Talent Was Just a Little Better than Jett's

He was not talented enough, but he even learned to brag to find an excuse for his laziness?

"Humph! Marcus, pick up your wooden sword and make a set of basic swordsmanship. Prove it to me!" Tristan was unsatisfactory.

Marcus said calmly, "Teacher, I'm just acting. Why don't you ask Jett to practice with me?"

He continued, "After all, you said that swordsmanship is the art of fighting!"

"How dare you challenge me?"

Jett grinned hideously, "You're courting death!"

Swordsmanship was the art of fighting.

Therefore, the teachers of the school would never refuse the training between students, as long as they paid attention to their manners.

At this moment, under the arrangement of the teacher, Tristan, all the students of Class Five were in a circle, and in the middle of the circle were Marcus and Jett who were about to fight.

"There is no chance of winning!"

"Yes, Jett is going to be promoted to level-2 knight apprentice, while Marcus is still at the entry-level!"

"I heard that he had worked hard at home for two and a half years before he came to the school. To be honest, if it weren't for seeing, I really couldn't believe that there was such a poor talent in this world!"

"He said he has comprehended the essence of the preliminary swordsmanship. Don't talk big. I'm sure Jett will teach Marcus a lesson this time!"

"I guess Mr. Marcus wants Jett to teach Marcus a lesson, right?"

Everyone whispered to each other, trying to laugh at Marcus.

Tristan said seriously, "Let's begin!"

Hearing this, Jett rushed to Marcus with a wooden sword in his hand.

His attack was fierce. On the raised wooden sword, there was a faint airflow that broke through the air, which represented that he was about to step to level 2. The power of his sword strike reached two hundred pounds, enough to break through the trunk!

Even if it was a wooden sword!

However, in the face of such a powerful attack, Marcus did not retreat or dodge!

"Oh my God! Marcus is scared to death!"

"With this blow, Marcus is going to be crippled! Sure enough, it's a battle without suspense!"

"This fool dared to provoke our boss, Jett. This is the end!"

The onlookers, once again, saw how powerful Jett was and thought the winner had been decided.

However, at this moment.

All of a sudden, Marcus moved sideways and dodged the attack from Jett's head!

Jett even lost his balance because he failed to hit the target. He staggered a few steps forward and almost fell to the ground!

It seemed that Marcus was about to fall before he made a move.


"How is that possible? Is it because of luck?"

The onlookers were all surprised and said, "It must be Marcus's luck!"

And Tristan, the teacher, also saw the strangeness in it, recalling the dangerous moment just now.

With the bodily movement skill that Marcus had displayed at this moment, he could have avoided it in advance, but he had chosen to dodge it at a subtle angle. Tristan frowned deeply. This bloke was deliberately showing off his skill to him just now!

However, the only person who could see this was Tristan, who was the level-9 formal knight.

Jett steadied himself and didn't notice anything strange about Marcus. Instead, he said fiercely.

"You are so lucky, brat! But I won't let you dodge the next blow!"

He even lowered his voice and said excitedly and fiercely, "Did you see that? I hit you so hard just now, but the teacher didn't stop me, which means that even the teacher has given up on you, a loser! Unfortunately, I didn't use an iron sword, otherwise, I can even take the opportunity to kill you!"

"Hmm! Marcus, even if you are handsome, so what if you train hard?"

"You are never qualified to challenge my authority!"

"And I will always be the leader of our Class Five!"

After saying that, Jett rushed to Marcus again with a wooden sword in his hand!

The key points of the basic swordsmanship were to chop his head, cut his waist, stab his chest, and cut his crotch.

Since it was easy for Marcus to dodge his attack, Jett learned to be smart and chose the most difficult move to dodge.

A vertical sword was stabbed straight at Marcus's chest!

The dashing sword aura was like a bow full of sharp arrows!

However, Marcus still didn't move!

When they were about to get close to each other, Marcus suddenly looked like an eagle. He held the wooden sword tightly and raised it lightly.


A soft sound was heard.

Jett's wooden sword was immediately thrown away!

Moreover, the tip of Marcus's sword had already stabbed into Jett's chest!

At this moment, all the students were petrified

"How is that possible?"

"I can't believe that this useless wooden sword of Marcus can hit Jett, and it's a fatal attack on his chest?"

"Did Marcus win?"

It was so fantastic that many students couldn't believe it!

Some of them even whispered, "Is this Marcus the loser we are talking about?"

No one answered.

Everyone was silent, shocked by the decisive moment!

What was more shocking was that from the beginning to the end, Marcus had only used one sword strike!

This was... Crushing.

Jett was also dumbfounded. He stood still, feeling a stabbing pain in his chest and even myocardial infarction!

At this moment, Marcus smiled and said, "If you use an iron sword, you will be dead!"

Hearing this, Jett's face turned ghastly pale, but he couldn't say anything to refute. Cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He suddenly realized that Marcus had become much stronger!

He was so strong that he could even easily kill him!

"Well, Marcus won this battle. Put away your sword." Tristan said seriously.

It had to be said that at this time, Tristan was quite satisfied with Marcus's performance, especially the last move of raising the sword.

It looked as if it was a casual move, but the timing and angle of the strike were incomparably exquisite.

He couldn't have achieved such a result even if he had made a little mistake.

It seemed that Marcus had comprehended the essence of the preliminary swordsmanship.

Maybe he could have a try at the mid-term sword test?

"That's right!" Tristan patted Marcus on his shoulder and said in a softer tone, "Marcus, that last strike was not a perfect one. You definitely can't use it. When did you become so talented in swordsmanship?"

Before that, Marcus was the worst one in the class.

Squinting his eyes with a smile, Marcus replied Versailles, "Nothing. My talent is just a little bit stronger than Jett!"

The system gave him a time limit of one hour to scan others' talent vision.

It hadn't expired yet.

Marcus could still see the knight talent on Jett's head. It was only at the preliminary stage, which was lower than the average level of the first class.

As for Marcus, he was at the medium stage knight talent!

For the Grade One students in their school, he could be called geniuses!

In addition, Marcus also glanced at Tristan's talent. He was surprised to find that apart from the medium stage knight talent, Tristan also had the talent of a mage!