Chapter 11 You Won't Suffer Any Loss When You Shop Around

Marcus took a deep breath. He didn't think it was a big deal.

He was confident in the medicine he had made, but he didn't know how to measure the price compared with other drugs.

He took the bottle of medicine and hesitated.

These things must be sold out.

Marcus walked down the street and saw a shop selling drugs.

Some of the doors were nicely decorated, and some of the drug shops looked ordinary. Marcus hesitated and hadn't decided which one to choose.

"Is the drug sold in this store a little expensive?"

"Yes, a little, but the drug in it is good. It is said that the side effect is very small."

While Marcus was hesitating, he suddenly saw two strong men coming out.

These two people were both golden-haired. They should be brothers.

"Have you seen this low-grade speed drug? It's already cheap to sell it for only 80 gold coins."

"If you want to buy such a low-grade speed drug from other shops, it cost at least 90 gold coins."

The taller man with golden hair said softly, shaking the medicine in his hand.

Marcus stood on tiptoe and looked in the direction of the man.

The color of the drug was even darker than that of the one he had made.

The higher the grade of the drug was, the more transparent the color was. The low-grade drug might not be as good as the one made by himself.

Marcus looked up at the store.

"The Magnolia Pharmacy."

The drug sold in this store was cheap. If he wanted to sell it, should he find a higher price?

Marcus hesitated and didn't go inside.

"Which one is more suitable to sell drugs?" Marcus murmured.

Marcus took a few steps forward but was stopped by a ragged old man.

The old man's eyes sparkled. He looked in the direction of Marcus and smiled.

"I know what kind of drug shops there are in this place. I often come here to buy some drugs."

"Maybe you need my help. As long as you ask, I can help you." The old man blinked at Marcus and said seriously.

Although the old man looked ragged, his temperament and eyes could tell that he was not an ordinary old man.

What did he want to do?

There were so many people on the road, why did he only stop him?

Marcus asked curiously.

"I do need your help with something, but what is the pay? How should I give back to you?"

"I don't believe there will be any pie falling in the sky. You can put forward what you want and I'll see if it can be achieved."

Marcus kept a distance from the old man and let him look at him.

"I think you will achieve something in the future, so I'm willing to help you."

"Since you are on your guard, how about you give five gold coins to me as a reward?" The old man smiled and reached out his hand to Marcus.

Five gold coins were indeed not high.

After Marcus bought those materials last time, there was still half left.

"That's it?" Marcus took out five gold coins and asked.

The old man nodded honestly.

"It's just five gold coins. It doesn't matter even if you are cheated, does it?" The old man winked at Marcus playfully.

Marcus did feel that he would not lose out, so he put the five coins into the old man's hands.

"I don't think you have the certificate of a pharmacist. If not, I suggest you go to the third from the east."

"Go to the east and then go back. The third one is."

"If you are qualified to be a pharmacist and recommended by a famous pharmacist, you can go to the most magnificent one in the north."

"No one can bully you. You can sell it at a good price."

The old man held the five coins tightly in his hand, laughed, turned around, and left.

Marcus looked in the direction the old man left and became more curious.

If only he could know who this old man was.

He didn't have a famous teacher to introduce him, nor did he have a certificate of pharmacy, so he could only go to the third from the east.

Marcus walked east again and wondered if he had been fooled.

There was no other reason. The shops close to the east were old and shabby one by one.

Gradually, Marcus's face turned numb. The third shop might be a good one in the many more shabby shops.

Marcus stood at the door and didn't move for a long time.

"Hello, sir, what do you want? Do you want to buy some medicine or something?" The man at the door asked with sleepy eyes.

No wonder the shops here were getting more and more dilapidated. I was afraid they couldn't be sold at all.

Marcus coughed and said, "I'm here to sell drugs. Can you call your boss over?"

The man looked at Marcus up and down. Marcus looked so young. It didn't seem that he would come here to sell drugs.

Marcus let him look at him up and down.

After a while, a slightly fat man came out, and he looked at Marcus with questioning eyes

"You are here to sell drugs?" The fat boss asked.

Marcus nodded, put the medicine he had made on the table, and gave a brief introduction.

"This is the medicine I made. It's between the normal low-grade speed drug and the medium-grade speed drug."

"Since it's an item for practice, it's only sold for 100 gold coins."

In Marcus's eyes, the price was only a little higher than that of ordinary low-grade speed drugs.

"I have inspected many drug shops and found that your drug shops are quite good here."

"I'm a disciple of the pharmacy master. It's not convenient to tell you my name. I'm going to deposit this medicine. You can see if you are willing to do it or not."

Marcus said softly with his hands behind his back.

He didn't look submissive. Instead, he was full of pride. He was indeed not an ordinary person.

At first, the fat boss was a little hesitant, but seeing Marcus like this, there was no need to lie to him.

"What good will it do to me?" The fat boss asked.

As a businessman, he would do it only if it could bring him profit

If it was not good for him, how could he do it?

"How about this? You decide the selling price yourself. My base price is 100 gold coins and the rest is your payment."

"What do you think?"

Marcus chuckled and looked at the man in front of him.

He was not in a hurry to wait for the fat man's reply. He even went shopping in the pharmacy on purpose.

The normal speed drugs produced by this pharmacy were darker than what he had seen before.

Marcus had tried many times, and just at a glance, he would find that the person who made it had not purified it.

"Who did this? Did he forget to put the iron condensing grass in it?" Marcus asked with a smile.