Chapter 17 Duplicate Cross Cutting

Tristan's announcement made Burger feel better.

He had thought about it carefully just now.

How could Marcus improve so fast?

He must have drunk a lot of strength medicine to pull up his strength.

It was just because of the drug that he won the first round by luck.

Then the next swordsmanship would let Marcus recognize the real fact.

He wanted to completely defeat Marcus in this round.

Burger's pride returned. He raised his head and looked at Marcus's back with contempt.

Tristan also paid attention to Marcus.

Marcus must be hiding his real strength!

In the past, he looked so weak that everyone present could easily defeat him.

But today, Marcus's strength was so powerful that it almost destroyed the test pillar.

This was close to the knight's strength!

No one could make such rapid progress.

"Marcus, you must have been pretending. Why do you become so strong today?"

Watson couldn't stand it anymore when he stood beside Marcus.

Although he had seen Marcus fight in the colosseum before.

But at that time, it was different from today's test.

At that time, Marcus's meteor strike was still a little unskillful.

"What do you think?"

Marcus didn't give him a direct answer.

"Of course. Burger is no match for you. I don't think Parker can defeat you even if he is fighting with you."

Watson said straightforwardly.

"What are you talking about?"

Hearing his name mentioned, Parker protested a little unhappily.

"Am I wrong?" Watson looked at him and asked.


Parker looked at Marcus and had to admit that it was true.

In terms of strength, he was different from Marcus.

It was lucky that they had chosen to make friends with Marcus instead of having a grudge against him.

"Well, I have to admit that I am weak."

Parker's words made Watson and Marcus burst into laughter.

"How about this? Let's go to Lax's pub tonight and have a good drink. Tell us, how did you cultivate?" Watson looked at Marcus.

"Okay, it's your treat."

Marcus agreed without hesitation.

While they were talking and laughing, the examination of swordsmanship began.

"In this assessment of swordsmanship, you come up and fight with me in turn. As long as you can hold on for one minute, you will be qualified. The longer you hold on, the better."

Tristan clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention and announced the rules of the examination.

Everyone was surprised to hear that.

"Are we going to fight against the teacher?"

"One minute is enough. I don't think it's difficult."

"What you think is too simple. The teacher is so powerful. One move might kill us in a second, let alone a minute."

Of course, no matter what they said, the content of the examination would not be changed.

After the announcement, Mr. Tristan took out his sword and pointed out the name of the first challenger.

"Come out, Gran."

The one whose name was mentioned was a thin man.

He stood opposite Tristan with a sword in his hand. He seemed to be frightened before the fight began.

"Stand firm and attack me. Don't be so crooked."

Tristan scolded him with a frown.

"Yes, sir."

With that, he rushed over with the sword in his hand.

The next second, the sword in his hand was knocked to the ground by Tristan.

Gran stared at his empty hand. He didn't know what to do next.

Since his sword had been knocked down, of course, he failed.

"Your strength is too weak. Catch your weapon. Exercise your wrist strength to protect it. It's not qualified."

Hearing that, Gran felt like weeping but had no tears. He went back to the team dejectedly.


Tristan called another person.

This time, the student was also KO by one move.

"The same problem. The wrist strength is too weak. It's not qualified." Tristan was a little disappointed.

The result of these two people was not satisfactory.

However, the next one lit up some hope.

In the last round of the strength test, he had a good performance.

As usual, you attack me first.

Tristan nodded and raised his sword.


The man said yes and rushed over with a sword in his hand.

Tristan bent down to dodge, turned around, and slapped him on the back.

He stumbled and fell to the ground, unable to get up.

"Your strength is enough, but it's too overbearing. If you want to use the sword in your hand well, it's not enough just to have large strength. It's not qualified."

"Got it."

His face turned red because of the reprimand, and he could only hold on for more than ten seconds.

Tristan was so strong that they couldn't even hold on for a minute.

Although they hadn't shown up yet, looking at the previous matches, there was no hope in their hearts.

Everyone was crying and waiting anxiously for him to call.

There was only one person.

He was not only not afraid, but also eager to have a try.

Burger's swordsmanship was the strongest skill that he owned.

Now he needed to test his swordsmanship, wasn't it a chance for him to show it?

"Next, Burger."

Finally, the name was mentioned. Burger walked towards Tristan with his head held high.

Now, no one could hold on for a minute under Tristan.

If he could...

Burger's eyes lit up.

"You started the attack first, too."

As soon as Tristan finished his words, Burger rushed over.

He was ready to use his strongest sword move directly.

This move could definitely hold on for a minute.

Maybe longer.

Burger once learned a sword move.

Before today, he had never shown it.

This sword move was called cross cutting.

As Burger waved his long sword, a cross shape gradually appeared.

He dashed towards Tristan.

This move was indeed very powerful.

Marcus was intrigued by his action.

"I've detected a duplicate sword move,"

"Sword move: Cross cutting."

"The cross cutting has a large area of damage, and the sword moves are unpredictable. It can release the skill unexpectedly."

"Copy this sword move."

Marcus, of course, chose to copy it.

The sword move had been copied and Burger's attack was more aggressive.

"It's so powerful."

"I'm sure one minute will pass this time."

"I think this sword move is so magnificent."

"No wonder it's Burger. He has a trump card."

The crowd got excited and Burger gritted his teeth.

But one minute later, the breakthrough was turned off.

Tristan suddenly pointed his sword at Burger's chest.

Burger panicked and lost the game.

Tristan shook his head and said, "This sword move is very powerful, but your competitive spirit is too strong. You want to attack, which makes it more gorgeous. But all the attacks don't fall on me at all. They are only attacking the air."

This result disappointed Tristan.

He had wanted to see how far Burger could use the cross cutting.

He didn't expect that it was just like this. It was really a waste.