Chapter 59 A Talented Girl

Just then.

The young men of the knight school, who had been depressed, suddenly became restless.

"Alex is here."

With a cheerful and excited shout, a beautiful and beautiful girl came in from the door.

Just now it was the girls of the mage academy who were excited and enthusiastic, but now it's the teenagers of the knight academy who are nervous and expectant.

Marcus followed their direction and saw a girl walking in gracefully from the outside.

Alex was not a simple girl. Being able to attract so many people's attention meant that she was different from ordinary magic girls.

Marcus was a peerless genius in the school of the knight, and he was the only one that could appear in a million years and was admired by everyone.

Alex in mage academy was as important as Marcus in knight academy.

She was also a legend of mage academy.

Alex had attracted many people's attention since he entered the mage academy.