Chapter 70 Laboratory Improvement

Putting all the medicinal materials in hand into the bottle, then Marcus carefully lifted the bottle including condensed medicine to the light.

There was no problem with the color of the drug. It was successfully mixed this time.

Marcus couldn't help smiling.

During this period of time, he had been staying in the dean's lab, watching a lot of things, and memorizing all of them in his heart.

The medicine he made was a success that he had never learned before.

Clear stood at the door of the lab. seeing what Marcus was doing, he nodded with satisfaction.

Marcus was indeed a studious boy. Although he hadn't become his disciple, he wanted to teach Marcus more and more.

"The drug is well mixed this time. Do you remember what I taught you before?"

Clear walked in and stood behind Marcus.

Hearing the voice, Marcus turned around and promised confidently, "Don't worry, dean. I have remembered everything." "Well, since you remember it, I'll test you now."