Chapter 100 He Was a Mysterious New Disciple

"When I was hunting a level one magical beast, these people suddenly ran out and said that they wanted to drag me into their organization, but I didn't agree, so I fought with him."

Giles managed to organize his words and told Marcus what had happened.

It was just a misunderstanding. When Marcus came over, he saw them fighting fiercely and hadn't figured out the cause and effect.

"Then you go on. What's wrong with you?" Marcus nodded in confusion and then looked at Vincent.

Vincent was overjoyed. He immediately came to Marcus and said, " These old students got together to bully us, I just couldn't stand it, we freshmen can also get together to resist, so we formed this resistance alliance to resist the oppression of the old students."

The more Vincent said, the more excited he became. He almost reached out his hand and shouted.

The new disciples around him nodded in agreement.