Chapter 153 Pulling into the Bottom of the Moonlight Lake

Some of them were jealous of Marcus.

Such a sword that only existed in legends.

Everyone wanted to get the sword. Why should it choose him?

Their discussion naturally revealed their emotions.

It was so obvious and ridiculous.

Perhaps it was because Marcus was in the middle of the lake that everyone made no secret of their malice and ridicule.

They didn't stop until there was an unusual vibration on the ground.

The ground shook as if there was a wave, coming closer and closer to them quickly.

The whispering people stopped and looked around in panic.

"What's going on? What happened?"

"Why is the ground shaking?"

"It should be fine, right?"

Everyone shouted nervously.

At this time, the feeling of vibration became stronger and stronger.

Some of them couldn't stand steadily and their bodies were swaying left and right.

The trees were knocked to both sides.

At the edge of the trees, a huge number of magical beasts were running towards them.