Chapter 181 Young People Nowadays Are So Strange

"You're finally back. How long has it been?"

Gyles and Marcus walked out side by side and turned to ask.

"Yes, during the trial outside, it was indeed a flick of the finger."

Marcus nodded.

Although he didn't explain it in detail, he knew that it must be extremely hard to practice outside.

"When you were away these days, those girls on campus often mentioned you!"

Gyles teased again. When Marcus heard this, he was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.

He left a deep impression when he was in school!

After all, as a freshman, there were not many people as dazzling as him.

Then he left the school for the trial.

Each of his achievements was insurmountable. No wonder he could attract so many people.

"Don't always talk about me. How were you doing at school?"

Marcus didn't say anything more and asked Gyles.

During the trial, Marcus also missed Gyles.

It was not easy for him to enter the imperial capital city and join the Royal Knight School.