Chapter 192 A Sensation Among Students

As soon as Marcus entered the classroom, he found that Alex was also there.

He walked up next to Alex.

"Welcome us to sit next to you, right?"

Alex nodded.

Of course, he wanted to know the last disciple of a master that the dean had just recruited.

So he stood up like a gentleman and greeted Emily first.

"Hello, beautiful elf. I'm Alex!"

Emily had known that the Alex family had helped her and Marcus before.

She greeted him with a friendly smile and sat next to him with Marcus.

The other students had heard what Alex said. They knew who they were.

Of course, someone had known Marcus before.

"Look, this is the glorious predecessor of the exchange games. The other beautiful person is the last disciple of the dean of the elf clan!"

"These are two absolutely miraculous figures in our magic academy. We are lucky to see them today!"

Some of them were looking at Marcus and Emily from the corner of their eyes.

Marcus sat there and chatted with Alex casually.