Chapter 213 A Contemptible Sneak Attack

When Gyles was fighting with Marcus and Tyson, he analyzed that his chances of winning against Tyson were about 20%.

The remaining 80% of the chance was to lose.

But now Gyles guessed that it would be 50%.

That was the reason for the surprise that Marcus didn't know why.

He asked Gyles why he gave him such an answer.

"I didn't know before. When I restored physical strength this afternoon, I found that I miraculously reached level eight."

"This should be a breakthrough when I was fighting with the wind man. I was too nervous at that time, so I didn't notice it!"

Gyles said proudly. He was thrilled to find his breakthrough.

At this critical moment, being able to get a breakthrough was like sending charcoal in snowy weather.

If he had fought against Tyson before, he was only 20% sure.

But now he could reach the 50-50 sure, just because Tyson was only level eight big knight, and he was the same now.