Chapter 267 A Distress Signal

Marcus tried to deliver the message again.

Although he didn't know if he could succeed or not, at least he had spread the news.

He hoped that it would be Yass because Yass would have the help of the dragon knight team.

Of course, he believed that after sending out his signal, as long as Yass saw the general situation, he would come to help him.

Marcus comforted the little dragon first. Instead of rushing forward, He wandered around the camp.

Marcus continued to analyze the enemy's sneak attack.

"It seems that they haven't changed their target for Alex. It's just that they have been silent for a while and let us be negligent before suddenly making a move."

"The enemy is still so cunning, but we indulge ourselves."

Marcus sighed, but he had no choice.

It was impossible to keep Alex in the tent all his life.

In that case, it would be meaningless for him to stay at the front line. He would definitely return to normal military life.