Chapter 356 Princess's Bento

Arthur knew what he should do now would bring benefits to himself and make Marcus happy.

"Thank you. I've made up my mind. I'll negotiate a contract with you when I become stronger."

Marcus nodded with a smile. "I knew you would make the right choice. I'm looking forward to the day when you become stronger."

"I won't take part in the rest of your family's affairs. I believe you will communicate well with your family."

Marcus knew that he had helped Arthur solve the big trouble, and there was no place for his family to be in trouble.

The rest of the way was to see what his family was going to do. Marcus didn't want to interfere in this matter.

Although it would be good for him if Arthur's family stood behind Marcus.

But he couldn't do that by his wrist.

It would hurt the relationship between him and Arthur.

He didn't lack the help of his family.

He could ask Alex's family to help him, or he could get other families to help him through his ability.