Chapter 401 Hades Was Angry

Hades had a breakthrough and level, but he had lost his weapon. How could he not be annoyed?

But regret was useless.

Now the dark side of his heart constantly poured into his mind, making him burst out the paranoid side.

"Damn it, Marcus. I'll tear you to pieces. You dare to steal my things. I won't let you go!"

"Everything of the knight king belongs to me. You are a robber, and you are a complete rogue."

When he thought of the pain of losing a weapon, he screamed loudly in the tent and smashed something.

He couldn't vent his anger. Now his eyes were red, which made him look very terrifying.

His words were full of hysteria, and the black mist on his body was getting thicker and thicker.

When the black dragon saw this scene, he persuaded a few words, but it was useless.

On the contrary, it triggered a new round of anger in his heart.

"You don't have to say that. The next time I meet Marcus, I'll fight with him to death. I won't let him go."