Chapter 420 To Prepare Materials

"Your team has done a good job. Recently, I think their mission completion rate is very high."

Battalion Commander Rogen would also pay attention to the training of each squad.

He would also analyze the capability of each team through the submitted file.

He was very satisfied with Marcus's team. He knew that they were brought here by Marcus when he came out of the academy.

Now, these students had become qualified soldiers and they had shown excellent performance.

Battalion Commander Rogen was very impressed by the outstanding students trained by the royal academy.

"Then I'll thank you for them. Now I'm going to ask for a leave from the army commander."

Marcus didn't stay here to talk too much. After he left, he went straight to the Army Commander Ice.

After he explained the reason, the Army Commander Ice didn't worry about Marcus's safety as the battalion commander did.

Because going out to take risks meant that he might encounter danger.