Chapter 424 His Strength Was Suppressed

"If you had told us earlier, I wouldn't have been worried. I was afraid of their sneak attack halfway."

Gyles mumbled, but a smile appeared on his face.

He felt that the enemy's silence could also relieve everyone's mental pressure, and there was no need to think all the time that an enemy might appear.

"Don't take it lightly. I'm just talking about the high probability of the event. What if the two of them have other paranoid thoughts?"

"What if they just want to hide and then send others to consume our strength and confuse us?"

Gyles scratched his head in distress.

Marcus's words made sense. But now what Marcus said still made sense.

He didn't know which direction to choose. According to Marcus, they had to be on full alert.

"What should we do? Just announce the answer directly. I don't need to guess."

Gyles decided to give up struggling. He would do whatever Marcus said, instead of trying to analyze it as he did now.