Chapter 438 Breaking the Eight Diagrams Array

"The more I think about it, the more it looks like the eight diagrams array. In that case, I can't wait any longer. I'll just do the experiment."

Thinking of this, Marcus stood up and looked at Arthur and the others.

"I think of a solution. Let's have a try. You can follow me as I said."

"What method? Tell us. We can know in advance and help you."

Marcus shook his head when he heard Gyles's anxious voice.

People in this world didn't know anything about the eight diagrams.

Even if it was him, he still needed to make a corresponding deduction for a while, not to mention that he was guessing right now.

He had to verify it first. If what he guessed was true, he had to rely on the help of the system.

He had to find out the way to break the eight diagrams array.

"Come with me. There are some calculation and deduction problems here. Now if you let me tell you, I can't explain it clearly."