Chapter 453 Comprehended the Power of the Sky

When Marcus left, he felt that something was about to come out of his mind. On the way, he kept looking up at the blue sky in front of him.

People came from nature and finally returned to nature. All the power had to rely on nature to achieve what they wanted. Obviously, they were telling him the most real answer.

Marcus suddenly realized that he was enlightened and understood the essence of it at once. Then he laughed loudly.

"It seems that what Locke said is right."

If something was said too clearly, it would bring him trouble. Locke and others had given him too many hints, so he shouldn't be confused anymore.

"Yes! The power of nature is what I want."

Come on, Marcus!

The moment he closed his eyes, he felt an inexplicable force all over his body. When he closed his eyes, he could feel the coldness around him.

All things were mutually reinforced and neutralized. Humans were all the products of nature, so why couldn't he use the power of nature?