Chapter 504 Courting Death

At first, Kari didn't want to talk because he didn't think it was necessary to tell the village head's son the secret.

The village head was very disappointed with his son, so he wanted to leave all this to outsiders.

If he left it in his son's hand, it might hurt the people in the village.

"You don't know, right? Maybe you really don't know about it. I guess your wife has already taken things too hard."

He was very confident that if Kari knew that his wife was raped by him, he would definitely show an angry expression.

Kari screamed hysterically, "I want you to die."

"Wow." The people around him couldn't help laughing when they saw that.

"Look, everyone. The dog is crazy. What a pity that your wife didn't see it with her own eyes."

For some reason, the son of the village head had always been against Kari, and even the son of the village head had always suspected that his father would leave everything to Kari.