Chapter 506 Obtained Treasures

Marcus's breath kept pouring into the altar, and the power of the altar was all around him.

"Mmm." Marcus felt the energy in his body keep colliding with each other. They were neck and neck, which made Marcus painful.

"Don't worry. Come at one point one." The energy in their bodies was like a small life, and they wanted to break out of their bodies.

Marcus could only warn them in the void and then poured more energy into the altar.

The whole ground began to shake, and the scene in front of the village head and Kari's wife was shocking.

She raised her head and saw an illusory door appear in the air.

"Village head, look! What's that?" Kari's wife pointed at the void door.

"If I'm not wrong, it should be the void entrance of the knight king."

The village head had met him once many years ago.

"It seems that this young man is really the inheritor of the knight king."

The village head said excitedly, "That's great. It's really him."