Chapter 568 There Is Nothing I Can Do

Locke didn't beat the lizard flame after a long time. They had spent too much time. If they couldn't solve it as soon as possible, they really couldn't beat each other.

"Lizard inflammation! I advise you to stop right now, or you'll make things difficult for both of us." Because neither of them could beat the other party, Locke felt a little difficult at this time.

The lizard inflammation held a ball of fire in its hand, and his face twisted in the candlelight. Locke said angrily.

"You'd better stop searching right now."

The two of them had been fighting for the whole afternoon. Marcus and the others were in the military camp, but they didn't see Locke and the other two.

"How long has it been? Why haven't they come back yet?" Arthur began to be absent-minded and wanted them to come back as soon as possible.

"Arthur, don't worry. I believe that Gyles and Locke will come back safely. Don't forget that the two of them have medicine on them."