Chapter 591 Arthur Was Defeated

Arthur didn't expect that the drunkard in front of him would ignore him. He always had a great reputation in the military camp.

What happened now was like an unprecedented insult to him.

"What's wrong with your natural ears? Can't you hear me when I talk to you?"

A drunkard was used to living a wild life. He couldn't bear to hear such words from others.

He continued to pour wine into his mouth, ignoring Arthur's words.

"Forget it. Why should I be mad at you?" Arthur has a certain style of mocking himself. Why was he being teased so easily?

He sat in front of the man in front of him and didn't worry whether this place would be dirty or not.

He sat in front of the drunkard and stared at him for a long time.

"Why are you looking at me? Aren't you the commander? Since you are the commander, why don't you go back and run your military camp?"

The drunkard just glanced at him and said nothing more.