Chapter 624 Rewarded Everyone, Marcus Had a Lot in His Mind

The little dragon got faster and faster and soon escorted them to the capital, soon, they arrived at the gate of the capital city safely.

Arthur's father took his family members to greet them. When they arrived at the gate of the city, they saw the little dragon and others.

Seeing his son coming back safe and sound, the greatest joy was just so so.

Arthur didn't know why he felt a little sad. Maybe he hadn't seen his father for a long time and missed him too much.

"Father, I'm back." Arthur knelt down in front of his father.

"Good boy, get up. Father doesn't blame you. On the contrary, the king praised all of you this time."

Arthur's father was happy to see his friends.

It was indeed an honor for his son to make such a group of friends.

They all knew Arthur's father and greeted him by addressing him as a predecessor politely.

When Marcus received the news, he also rushed over.

When he arrived at the gate of the city, he saw a group of people standing outside unexpectedly.