Chapter 635 Let's Work Together to Fight Against the King

Chapter 635 Let's Work Together to Fight Against the King

Marcus might not agree to his request now, but in front of the war, everyone was innocent.

"Hades, now you want to bewitch our Marcus and let him die. Don't you think about who will benefit from this?"

Gyles thought he was too selfish. Why should he ask them to die together?

"Didn't you invite me to cooperate? In that case, you have to follow my rules."

Now, Hades couldn't hear anything. The only thought in his mind was to kill Marcus and then take revenge for others.

"You two don't have to talk about it now. If you only have these requirements, of course, I can promise you. But you have to have a better reason to persuade me."

Marcus cared about the people. Even if he could protect the people of his country, he absolutely couldn't stand the behavior of the Detta King.

"What kind of reason do you want me to say? You can put forward conditions to me."