Chapter 654 Looking For Hades

Arthur and Gyles played the last round, and the two of them finally stopped.

"All right, all right. I admit that I lost. From today on, I have to work very hard to start the training."

Arthur patted him on the shoulder. The two of them came to Marcus's room again.

The fortuneteller and Locke were sitting opposite Marcus.

"Master fortuneteller, do you think there is any way to change the current situation?"

The fortuneteller thought for a while and took out the crystal ball in his hand.

"It's not impossible to change the situation, but it may make you feel a little difficult next. The best way is to let you go to the moonlight lake."

Marcus and Locke said at the same time.

"Moonlight lake?"

The fortuneteller touched his chin thoughtfully, with a crystal ball in his hand. Marcus approached him carefully.

"This is the location of the moonlight lake. I vaguely remember last time."