Chapter 3 What Was Her Real Intention

In Emperor Palace Hotel.

A luxurious and extravagant wedding was about to begin.

The protagonists of the wedding were the daughter of the Su family, Su Jing, and the CEO of the Shengjing Group, Shen Moyan.

"Have you heard that? Something happened to the Su family. They wanted the Shen family to help, so they tried to propose. Good guy, I didn't expect that Shen Moyan would agree!"

"Oh, Miss Su is beautiful and well cultivated. The two of them are a perfect match."

"Beautiful? When did you become blind? She is not stunning. Don't you know that ten years ago her family had a ..."

"Shut up! The Su family said she was unfilial and had an accident after she left home. Who dares to offend her?"

"Let's not talk about this. I heard that these two people had never seen each other before. They didn't even take wedding photos. Why did they decide in such a hurry?"


At this time, the "unlucky" person in everyone's eyes was sitting on a tree in the back garden of the hotel with a computer in his hand.

Holding the laptop in her hands, Su Yu crossed her long and white legs and swung leisurely.

She quickly typed on the keyboard, and a moment later, she casually pressed the "enter" key, then closed the computer, stood up and jumped off.

The next second, there was a commotion in the banquet hall of the hotel.

The big screen was not playing the photos of the bride and the groom, but the intimate photos of Su Jing and all kinds of men.

Some of them were kissing, some were feeding each other, and some were even lying on the bed. Each photo had a different man, and the measurement was comparable to 18 taboos.

As soon as Su Jing appeared in the wedding dress, she saw this scene and the mocking eyes of the crowd.

The bouquet in her hand fell to the ground, and a dress embroidered with heavy work rushed over, in vain to cover the big screen. She said in a collapsed voice, "What's going on? Why is there such a vicious rumor? What's the purpose?"

"Of course, I want to ruin your reputation." All of a sudden, Su Yu stood in the hall, watching the show with a smile.

"Who is she?" Someone in the audience said.

"It seems that she was the illegitimate daughter of Su Tinglan. It is said that she was kicked out of the family by her father when her reputation was in a mess."

"I've heard about it too. After all, that person is a bastard. I don't know if she is the descendant of the Su family or not."

Hearing their voice, Su Yu's eyes lit up with a smile. She came forward step by step.

In the past, Su Jing and her mother had tried to alienate her and let her mother be imprisoned by Su Tinglan. As a result, her mother couldn't get help when she was seriously ill. She could only struggle hard in a room less than four square meters and barely live!

Worrying that her mother would run away, Su Jing and her mother conspired to break her mother's tendons and feet, making her suffer all day long.

At that time, Su Yu could do nothing but watch aside and cry in vain.

Now there were only a few photos, what did this matter?

She owed her mother and herself far from enough!

Su Tinglan could not afford to lose face. He walked out quickly and said seriously, "Why is there such a mistake on the wedding day? Deal with it quickly. Don't delay the wedding."

However, the system was hacked and couldn't be turned off in any case. It spread so fast that the media who had been watching outside swarmed in and gathered madly.

Su Jing seemed much wronged, defended herself at once, "These photos are fake. You made them with PS!"

There were so many people waiting to see her joke. How could she tell the truth?

"PS?" With a cold smile, Su Yu asked, "What about this one?"

A video was played on the screen.

It was a video of Su Jing rolling on the bed with a strange man, which shocked everyone. The photos could be made, but how about the video? Change face?

"Su Jing, do you have anything else to explain now?" With two burning eyes on her, Su Yu said coldly, "I'd like to see what kind of warrior dares to marry you."

Enraged by her words, Su Jing pounced on her regardless of her image. "Bitch, you bitch..."

Su Yu dodged her attack quickly. When the crowd was in a mess, a tall and slender figure walked over from behind.

It was a handsome face, but it didn't look good. There was coldness in his eyes.

With more tears streaming down her face, Su Jing said in a sobbing tone, "Mr. Shen..."

The man stopped and looked at her up and down unhurriedly. Frightened by the coldness all over his body, Su Jing was too scared to say anything.

Taking a glance at her, Shen Moyan asked coldly, "Who are you? Where is Su Yu?"